The Laugh Factory LIVE App Headed To PlayStation Network


All Star
May 1, 2012
These Kids

With anime offerings like Neon Alley and Crunchyroll hitting PlayStation Network in the next few months and the recently announced yuck-fest (as in laughs, not “ew, gross”) that is The Laugh Factory LIVE being added to the list, it looks like Sony is aiming to make the PlayStation 3 an entertainment buffet, allowing owners to pick and choose what type of content they want to subscribe to.

The announcement that a Laugh Factory app will be coming to PSN was made via the PlayStation Blog earlier today. The Laugh Factory comedy club has kept Hollywood visitors laughing for decades while its recorded specials have performed a similar service for viewers the world over. For the first time on game consoles, The Laugh Factory will be bringing old and new content to viewers on a regular basis. That means you’ll be able to catch up on great comedy moments from yesteryear, as well as watch live performances straight through your PS3.

The Laugh Factory LIVE app will be available on PS3 Sept. 1 with all content through up to December being provided free of charge. If those three months of laughter convince you to keep on watching, a subscription will cost $3 per month.

For my money, this is exactly how I want to pick and choose my entertainment in the future. If I could grab content specifically tailored to my likings through subscriptions that are just a few bucks a month, I’d much rather go that route than rely on something like cable or dish. My options would be more limited, sure, but what good are all of those extra channels doing me when only a handful actually offer the content that I want and usually at hours I can’t swing?

If apps like Neon Alley and The Laugh Factory LIVE are the future, I say bring it on.
