'The Last of Us' HBO Series (NO GAME SPOILERS!) | Season 2 Coming 2025 (7 Episodes) | Season 2 Official Teaser Released


All Star
Oct 30, 2014
I wouldn't say that's what happened in the game. Bill didn't really have any affect on Joel in the game imo

They went their separate ways and Joel was able to get a truck out of the situation. There was no revelation made by Joel from Bill.
thats actually NOT true at all and in fact just a few minutes ago they released a story on Kotaku with Druckman and Mazin the show writers who were asked about this and its not my wording but theirs " a major change "

"Last night’s episode not only delved into the relationship in detail via flashbacks, it also changed how it ended.

“When we got to this part in the season, Craig brought up a really interesting point which is... there’s a lot of examples of things not turning out well for people, and often those are reflections and cautionary tales for Joel of ‘here’s what you stand to lose’,” Druckmann told IGN. “It was, what if we show them what you could stand to win?”

In the game, Bill helps Joel and Ellie find a truck they can use to head west. Bitter and foul-mouthed, he’s the lone person left in a town called Lincoln, surrounded by infected and his home-made booby traps. He lectures the pair on how caring about others is a sure-fire way to get yourself killed, mentioning a close partner he tried to take care of in the past. Later on that partner is revealed to have hanged himself after becoming infected, writing in a note that it was ultimately still better than remaining with Bill."

so pretty much this episode changes the story dynamic for Bill and the writers admit that they did this intentionally

Yeah Bill, Joel, and Ellie searching for the battery and running into the infected was a significant part of the game. To avoid that completely and have Joel, Ellie and Bill never even meet was a significant change.

Did they give a rational reason for why they refused to film that?

well i guess one of the reasons is Druckman is real big into the whole intersectionality and refusing character or story "tropes" and the tragic gay relationship is a huge trope for a lot of stories ( at the time this game was written in 2013 ) in media so in a game media it wasnt something that was even ventured - it was groundbreaking just that there was a "gay" that wasnt obviously "gay" in TLOU so ...

anyway ultimately in the game the banter between Bill and Ellie and with Joel kind of having to be the referee is the thing that moves the needle on him since he pretty much behaves and does the shyt Bill does ( ie close himself off and dont foster relationships with anyone and be as ruthless and objectives as fukk because thats what got him this far )

and mind you im not saying that the episode was terrible - or badly acted - its just it removed the focus from Joel and Ellie ( and them working thru their own fukked up interpersonal behavior ) which is where it should be at least this early in the story for observer ........
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Apr 30, 2012
Common sense. Who else but the loyal fans were they supposed to have in mind when adapting the game into a show?

Obviously it's their IP and they can take any risks or liberties they want but from a hardcore gaming fan perspective, calling this good could be considered a big reach.

This was essentially brokeback mountain whereas in the game it was something completely different.

It's not a "homophobia thing". It's a "this didn't happen thing".

New viewers interested in quality television?

Its obvious the story of the games resonated enough with gamers to think that maybe there might be a bit more mass appeal to this narrative so they went for it. That doesn't mean shyt needs to be 1:1 recreation. They can take creative liberties considering they are dealing with a new medium and they are doing just that. At the end of the day people want a great Sunday night television show to tune into every week. Being based off a game doesn't matter and appealing only to gamers would be fukking stupid. They got millions of new folks who will never pick up a controller watching this shyt. fukk gamers at this point.

Canada Goose

Pooping on your head :umad:
May 14, 2012
A lake near Tampa FL
Ron Swanson in the apocalypse :russ: When he said don't tell other ppl about his spot cause it isn't an Arby's had me like :mjlol: The beginning of the episode is just like Nick Offerman's character in Parks n Rec :pachaha:

Sad episode though :mjcry: Glad he found a partner to ride out the apocalypse with rather than be alone even if it was :dame: I see they acknowledged females getting periods in an post apocalypse world.... something the Walking Dead never did (Elle finding the tampons in the basement).

The final shot of the truck driving away though the bedroom window though.... :mjcry:


blathering blatherskite!
Aug 15, 2018
Duckburg, NY
Episode was super divisive looking around the web. How much of the first games success / story was really due to druckman?

Because what we're getting with the show (at least episode 3) and what the game was are pretty different.

Bill and Frank's arc (Frank really didn't have one fr) has been totally retconned.

The TV show is supposed to be a faithful love letter to the fans of the game, so they got to know how much of a fan favorite bill and his part in the game was. What they did here was something else entirely. Almost a slap in the face.

You’re crazy if you think this episode was divisive, this is projecting a bit too much. I’ve been seeing undying praise for this shyt all day

And i say that as it wasn’t even my favorite episode


I pick shyt up
May 8, 2012
Vixens, Mascara's, Mary-Ann's
In the game, Bill helps Joel and Ellie find a truck they can use to head west. Bitter and foul-mouthed, he’s the lone person left in a town called Lincoln, surrounded by infected and his home-made booby traps. He lectures the pair on how caring about others is a sure-fire way to get yourself killed, mentioning a close partner he tried to take care of in the past. Later on that partner is revealed to have hanged himself after becoming infected, writing in a note that it was ultimately still better than remaining with Bill."
Right here they're speaking to him lecturing Joel but no mention of Joel changing his feelings towards Ellie because of it. I just don't see where Joel changed and began to open up to Ellie because of Bill.

in fact he still tries to get rid of her much later in the game.

In the game I saw Bill as nothing more than a means to an end. And a little comedy.


Oct 3, 2014
You’re crazy if you think this episode was divisive, this is projecting a bit too much. I’ve been seeing undying praise for this shyt all day

And i say that as it wasn’t even my favorite episode
This episode absolutely drew a very distinctive line between two different camps on how they felt about it.

I'm surprised you haven't noticed.