It was a cool fantasy.
I'm talkin 60s through the 2020s.
The idea that society would be fair for all.
Seems like it just ended. I was prolly a fool to think we had won.
Yes, you are a fool to think this country ever was and will be equal with whites being the majority.
You enjoyed the tokens given to black people since your 60s timeframe? How are we better off as a whole?
I need you and every black people to understand the following:
You live in a country, amongst your enemies.
Always have, always will. The European American has been the most vile, violent, destructive group of people against our people since the beginning of this country. The only way to resolve this is to engulf their numbers, we will need to have the majority of people within this country.
Secondly, every formation document of this country will need to be destroyed, because it was deceptive in its creation.
Until these two radical things happen, you should always have the uncomfortable feeling concerning the bolded.