The history of console power pt.1 by Courtdog's Avi

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
We'll start off with a disclaimer. If you are too immature to handle the thoughts and opinions of the thread starter then get thee fukk up outta my ghat damn thread. I'm talking to everybody, mods, lurkers, aliens, a self aware dingleberry that reached its destination traversing the back of my balls. The censorship that goes down because of opinions is violating the spirit of the 1st amendment, and does not represent what this community represents. Admit you was wrong to yourselves and stand clear while I make this establishment relevant

- Courtdogs Avi

With the most powerful console ever made releasing in just one month, there has been much debate on how much of an impact it will have on gaming, and everyone has their spin on this before the thing has even been released. That should tell you if a nay sayer has any credibility. To understand what's going on now you have to understand how we got here. So in this first vol we will examine the 8 and 16-bit eras. The golden age of gaming perhaps :yes:


When the NES released in America there wasn't much promotion. Not on the level you see things promoted today. I remember seeing Mario at an arcade at a pharmacy store. Thought it was dope, looked way better than anything I've seen on my brothers Atari. One month later I go to a friend's house and this nikka got a Nintendo entertainment system :mindblown: Now at this time I'm a kid, I watched kids shows, we had cable which at the time wasn't as standard in homes as it is today, basically I'm saying I was exposed to commercials/advertising and never seen shyt on a ghat damn intenduh. I remember having a mental orgasm while he handed me the controller. I remember examining the black case the cartridges came in, I remember how the cases smelled, the font used for the lettering, Rob the robot on the back of the box, this shyt must be in conjunction with NASA :gladbron: A light gun that can shoot at the screen? That's virtual reality right there :whew: The NES Advantage, that's the arcade fight sticks, the nes max was the driving wheel. Nobody can touch this, ever.


Then this black system with even less promotion appears. I'm at a circuit city with my mom, I see it, we get it. Graphics, sounds are different. Pat Riley basketball was floaty, Shinobi was Sega's official/unofficial mascot. At the end of the day, Nintendo was the better system be it power or just more dev support. And some Sega exclusives would still end up on Nintendo, Shinobi being one. And when that era ended, Nintendo: Now you're playing with power! was the universally accepted champion of gaming. The 16 bit era is not as clear who won.


Best system ever?

The SNES When it landed it was a graphical explosion, to put it into perspective a very solid version of street fighter 2 released on it. We went from basically a gameboy to a ds. Every new game had a nikka acting like Fatboi1 in this bytch. No game didn't look exciting,interesting. The Sega Genesis in comparison looked dull. Had less colors to deal with. EA had no problem it and was able to make superior versions of all their sports games which is the main and possibly only reason it's debatable which system won. If you're a well rounded gamer Nintendo was the no brainer. If you are a 2k/Madden first, everything else secondary type of gamer? You likely preferred Sega. Madden and Live were trash on Nintendo. Bill Walsh, Jerry Glansville pigskin footbrawl, Joe Montana, James buster Douglas knockout boxing followed by Evander Holyfield's real deal boxing. Virtua racing, Sewer Shark(jk)
The Shinobi sequels, ghouls n ghost, sega also had shumps on shwifty. Thunder force was the jam :ufdup:


Best looking system ever

It benefited you the gamer to have both systems, but if you could only have one? Nintendo had more support. The one thing that era introduced was a rivalry. Genesis does what Nintendont :birdman: That rivalry is basically the big bang theory and we are the aftermath. If we are keeping score, its Nintendo 2, Sega 0 but Sega did enough to be in position to win during the 32-bit era. Does it? Join me in the next installment of The History of console power vol 2 (of this 4 pt series) dropping later today :tu:

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
I'm not but here is something that you'll be straight with...

The XBOX Brand is 0-3
The original Xbox was head and shoulders above the ps2 in terms of power. The multiplats were completely different, more different than what you'd see between tlou on ps3 to ps4. Titanfall 1 on pc or Xbox360.

Anyone play max Payne on both?
Ghost recon?
Splinter cell don't even get me started on how oneis an all-time great and the other was just ok. Not denying ps2 didn't have Japan in its back pocket, but if people play the pc card, the og Xbox was a PC. Had all pc parts

The 360 won last gen, so right now they 1-0 but we'll get into that during part 3 or 4...
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PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
Mannnn shut your broke ass up :heh: It's universally agreed upon Nintendo won the 16-bit console wars, in both sales and library quality.
I'd agree with you, and you in another thread said the SNES is your all-time favorite. I mean, F-Zero was introduced :wow: No more passwords needed to save, super Mario kart. I hear ya, but. You didn't read it all So you sound uninformed. See bruh, you said that was your first system. You didn't play the best Sega had to offer. As great as the SNES was, the genesis was neck n neck with greatness. And if you can recognize today that some gamers play sports mostly then dabble with other titles? If that was you back then? Sega all day, not even close. Nintendo would censor, Sega wouldn't.
Nothing is cut and dry here, maybe you don't wanna recognize the people who don't share your too young to know better views? Genesis does what Nintendon't :ufdup:

I was playing with power: Super power :manny:

And soon I'll be playing with True Power :win:

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
Had that NES deluxe set as a kid. Right before Nintendo blew up. nikkaz wouldnt leave my crib the entire Christmas break.
So you remember the level of excitement you had back then? For me, it saddens me a little because I know I won't have feelings like that again. A kids view, no Stanning, just amazed at every new gaming possibility :mindblown:

That Xbox one X slogan is :wow: