It was an interesting read, but really? Geeks turn down sex and non-geeks don't?
Gravity, cat flaps, and math theories are not > than all that Tesla shyt combined. NTM some of his law of motion theories have been proven incomplete.Isaac Newton died a virgin too and has the title of GOAT scientific mind sewn up. So I'll go with him.
Gravity, cat flaps, and math theories are not > than all that Tesla shyt combined. NTM some of his law of motion theories have been proven incomplete.
Meanwhile, had we not been greedy capitalist and demonic human beings... Tesla shyt could have us on some Elroy Jetson shyt by now.
And that principle tells us the the planets orbit just like the atoms in electrons, and that the planetary model is akin to the model of electrons moving around the nucleus.
Not shytting on Newton... lol, I'm not qualified for that.Dude, are you seriously going to sh_t on Newton...?
Tesla is great in his own right, and so is Newton...
I would say whoever stated the ancient hermetic principle is probably the greatest geek that ever lived. It is expressed so well in the so called "Shield\Star of David" which conveys: As above, so below; As within, so without.
And that principle tells us the the planets orbit just like the atoms in electrons, and that the planetary model is akin to the model of electrons moving around the nucleus. Its really a connection between chemistry, the universe and electromagnetism. It is a very incredible principle summed up in one occult symbol.
Its similar to the real "Buddha-es" (not lamaist) knowledge of sex, childbirth and the connection to water" hidden in the symbol of the lotus.
This is at least what I've gathered from my occult studies. Newton is cool,but there were obviously some geniuses in antiquity. Some very gnostic folks
Not shytting on Newton... lol, I'm not qualified for that.
But Teslas ideas came from pure innovation and true discovery. His inventions were important and practical for human advancement. Newton have math theories... but most are incomplete.. or wrong.
Teslas was all about sharing his ideas w the world, as opposed to Newton who held on to his shyt like secrets.