- What is the afro-latinx identity? Who is Afro-latinx? Some Afro-latinx people say they "found" their blackness through the dialogue because where they came from race isn't thought of this way. Straight from the jump Donovan makes a great point that he doesn't like when afo-latinx people claim black when convenient.
- Then the conversation shifts toward non spicy Afro-latinx and how there are unambiguous black people that didn't need an awakening and THEY started the movement, but it's been watered down. A lot of talk about Dominicans and anti-blackness (with some defensiveness from the black Dominican guy). Then they talk about Haiti and how it's latinx but not included in the conversation. Haiti/Dominican history is talked about.
- Then they get to Cardio B and one girl brings us that she's damned if she claims black and damned if she doesn't. She says this goes for many Hispanic people. This is shot down by Ayesha who says black people claim Cardio B. Donovan points out she called black people roaches and THAT'S where the backlash is from. They say she's not a good example.
- (Oh somewhere in this Ayesha says she's been shaded by spicy whites at salsa class, but she's gonna salsa anyway.)
- Someone previously brought up a point about how in Latin America the one drop rule was reversed. Ayesha makes a point about how they're movement isn't as prominent, but it's (sort of, her point wasnt great imo) misunderstood and people say you can't make Afro-latinx people choose either or. Then people talk about how black people in Latina America BEEN had black power movements.
- Then they talk about how they don't learn black latinx history in school and don't have spaces to talk about it because their family's are anti black and in denial. Donovan is like okay, but like you need to at least get to a baseline of treating us like human beings (I think this was at the cardio b segment, I'm confizzled y'all).
- Then they bring up Cyn Santana and the men suddenly don't know what discrimination means. This dummy in orange said most black women were mad about his pr girlfriend. They assured him they were not. They said black men put Hispanics on a pedestal he said "nOT AlL MEN." Haitian guy said his girl is light skinned why does he feel attacked. Donovan cut the crap and said y'all need to think critically about your decisions, who you gravitate towards and so on. Don't be a follower.
- They were some lame ass points made and some good points I can't remember. This is the gist.
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