Ethnic Vagina Finder
The Great Paper Chaser
A mans gotta earn.
This economy is based on consumerism. You take away avenues to earn totally the less you can consume.
For example most carriers banned premium sms where people get billed via their phone bill when the send a text rather than use a credit card. It was ripe for sames and such but were talking about small transactions of a few dollars.
It seems like American's lack common sense. So instead using that common sense to make it harder for people trying to earn they bytch and complain running to big government to do something and instead of using a scalpel they use a chainsaw which in term causes collateral damage to people try to earn money legitimately.
That's why when most people complain about government being in everything I laugh because they brought it on themselves. You only turn to the government as a last resort to resolve shyt, instead people want easy fixes and in the end everyone suffers.
This economy is based on consumerism. You take away avenues to earn totally the less you can consume.
For example most carriers banned premium sms where people get billed via their phone bill when the send a text rather than use a credit card. It was ripe for sames and such but were talking about small transactions of a few dollars.
It seems like American's lack common sense. So instead using that common sense to make it harder for people trying to earn they bytch and complain running to big government to do something and instead of using a scalpel they use a chainsaw which in term causes collateral damage to people try to earn money legitimately.
That's why when most people complain about government being in everything I laugh because they brought it on themselves. You only turn to the government as a last resort to resolve shyt, instead people want easy fixes and in the end everyone suffers.