the TSC skreets have spoken, after last week's poll it looks like the next tourney will be to determine the GOAT finisher 
in order for the brehs to accurately cast their votes i came up with 3 categories to consider
here's a list of finishers i'm planning to toss on the bracket so far
1. Frog Splash
2. RKO
3. Diamond Cutter
4. Pedigree
5. Rock Bottom
6. Stunner
7. Superkick
8. One Winged Angel
9. Liontamer
10. Crossface
11. Figure Four
12. Elbow Drop
13. Sharpshooter
14. Spear
15. Jackhammer
16. F5
17. Jackknife
18. Last Ride
19. Tombstone
20. Chokeslam
21. Senton/Swanton
22. 3D
23. Burning Hammer
24. 619
25. Ankle Lock
26. People’s Elbow
27. Attitude Adjustment
28. Styles Clash
29. Rainmaker
30. Clothesline From Hell
31. Camel Clutch
32. Scorpion Death Drop
33. Moonsault
34. STF
35. DDT
36. Tiger Driver 91
37. Muscle Buster
38. Meltzer Driver
39. Canadian Destroyer
40. Vertabreaker/Kudo Driver/Cop Killer
41. Pounce
42. GTS
43. Banzai Drop
44. Ganso Bomb
45. Razor’s Edge
46. Psycho Driver
47. Fishermen Driver (Ki Krusher)
48. Frankensteiner
49. Steiner Screwdriver
50. Backdrop Driver
51. Phoenix Splash
52. 630 Splash
53. Shooting Star Press
54. Rings of Saturn
55. Vader Bomb
56. Punt Kick
57. Claymore/Shogun Kick
58. Big Boot
59. Pumphandle
60. Texas Cloverleaf
61. Axe/Scissors Kick
62. Doomsday Device
63. Total Elimination
64. Perfect Plex
let me know what y'all think of the voting criteria and if any finishers should be added or removed, we'll get this joint popping next Friday
@DaylitoJames @904Lurker @Chef Mello @Silkk @mannyrs13 @Evil genius Jay @distinguishedNOW @BrehWyatt @jadachris @Kidd Dibiase @Sid Justice @julesocean @Standard1D @OVER @Xtz23 @Yung Pharaoh

in order for the brehs to accurately cast their votes i came up with 3 categories to consider
- Believability & Impact (can the finisher realistically KO or submit someone?)
- Viability & Counter Risk (does the finisher have a high success rate?)
- Style & Pizzazz (does the finisher look cool?)
- Spamming (did the finisher have a spark when it started but now it's just garbage due to overuse?)
here's a list of finishers i'm planning to toss on the bracket so far
1. Frog Splash
2. RKO
3. Diamond Cutter
4. Pedigree
5. Rock Bottom
6. Stunner
7. Superkick
8. One Winged Angel
9. Liontamer
10. Crossface
11. Figure Four
12. Elbow Drop
13. Sharpshooter
14. Spear
15. Jackhammer
16. F5
17. Jackknife
18. Last Ride
19. Tombstone
20. Chokeslam
21. Senton/Swanton
22. 3D
23. Burning Hammer
24. 619
25. Ankle Lock
26. People’s Elbow
27. Attitude Adjustment
28. Styles Clash
29. Rainmaker
30. Clothesline From Hell
31. Camel Clutch
32. Scorpion Death Drop
33. Moonsault
34. STF
35. DDT
36. Tiger Driver 91
37. Muscle Buster
38. Meltzer Driver
39. Canadian Destroyer
40. Vertabreaker/Kudo Driver/Cop Killer
41. Pounce
42. GTS
43. Banzai Drop
44. Ganso Bomb
45. Razor’s Edge
46. Psycho Driver
47. Fishermen Driver (Ki Krusher)
48. Frankensteiner
49. Steiner Screwdriver
50. Backdrop Driver
51. Phoenix Splash
52. 630 Splash
53. Shooting Star Press
54. Rings of Saturn
55. Vader Bomb
56. Punt Kick
57. Claymore/Shogun Kick
58. Big Boot
59. Pumphandle
60. Texas Cloverleaf
61. Axe/Scissors Kick
62. Doomsday Device
63. Total Elimination
64. Perfect Plex
let me know what y'all think of the voting criteria and if any finishers should be added or removed, we'll get this joint popping next Friday

@DaylitoJames @904Lurker @Chef Mello @Silkk @mannyrs13 @Evil genius Jay @distinguishedNOW @BrehWyatt @jadachris @Kidd Dibiase @Sid Justice @julesocean @Standard1D @OVER @Xtz23 @Yung Pharaoh
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