I wanted to make one but it was very specific of French politics so was not sure it was interesting. Anyway basically the landscape is like this (only the main parties from those European Parliament elections)
- Unsubdued (Melenchon) - 10%
- Greens - 6%
- Socialist Party (Glucksmann) - 14%
- Rebirth (Macron) - 15%
- Republicans (Ciotti) - 7%
- National Assembly (Le Pen) - 31%
- Reconquest (Marechal) - 6%
There are like 30+ other parties but they all got less than 5% so they get no seats at the Parliament and they amount for the remaining 11% and span across the whole spectrum.
Now there is nobody with enough percentage to have an absolute majority so everybody need to make alliances :
- Macron wants to get votes from Socialists and Republicans for a social-democrat block.
- The left block wants to unite but the deeper reds and the lighter pinks can't bear each other at all
- Some in the blue right wants to unite with the brown right which has never been done historically as the Republicans are the legacy party of De Gaulle and the National Assembly is the legacy party of those who tried to assassinate him.
Today, the left managed to unite but overall their ceilings is probably around 35%. However Glucksmann who headed the Socialists campaign and somehow managed to get them their best election of the past 10 years got none of the requests he required and he'll have a public speech tomorrow.
For Macron's party, it seemed that only a select few were aware of the dissolution and that his own PM was one of the last to be made aware and like most, was against it. Many in his camp criticize the disslution but will publicly shut up so they can appear united at least until July 7th for the next election runoffs.
On Tuesday, Ciotti decided by himself to unite with the Browns but all the other heads of his party declined and want to oust him which they can't legally do before Friday. If an alliance was to formally be done, the Republicans will die as their only redeeming quality was to be "normal" conservatives. But they have slowly but surely been pressed between Macron going further right and Le Pen going less right.
Same day, Marion Maréchal who is Marine Le Pen's niece decided to ally with the National Assembly which she had left years ago because they weren't nationalist enough. However she did so behind the backs of her party and is basically trying a hostile takeover which she failed. She will likely rejoin her former party and her aunt as take her voters with her effectively killing Reconquest.
A whole mess