This is PlayStation 4. The most technologically impressive game of the night was Guerrilla's Killzone Shadow Fall. Official press materials seemingly offer us our first bullshots of the next-gen era, weighing in at 3840x2160 resolution. We would guess that these 1080p shots we've sourced from an ultra-high quality version of the trailer are more indicative of the in-game experience. Use the View All button to access full resolution shots.
However, what really impressed us was the imagination behind the technology. Remote play is just one element of the functionality on offer, with Sony utilising the video encoding hardware to offer up a range of benefits. We saw one of them in action last night with the Guerrilla Games' Killzone Shadow Fall demo uploading stored gameplay video directly onto Facebook. Also impressive was the mooted support for livestreaming via existing providers, along with the ability to introduce spectating with viewer comments appearing on-screen as you play.
Killzone Shadow Fall has moments of exceptional majesty and some beautiful animation, but the in-game concepts revealed last night failed to truly excite, and even in terms of technical accomplishment - something readily associated with Guerrilla Games - you put the video side-by-side with Crysis 2 and its sequel and it feels a step off the pace.
where does it say that?
wait... did they just say "The most technologically impressive game of the night" "failed to truly excite, and even in terms of technical accomplishment - something readily associated with Guerrilla Games - you put the video side-by-side with Crysis 2 and its sequel and it feels a step off the pace."![]()
where does it say that?
wait... did they just say "The most technologically impressive game of the night" "failed to truly excite, and even in terms of technical accomplishment - something readily associated with Guerrilla Games - you put the video side-by-side with Crysis 2 and its sequel and it feels a step off the pace."![]()
The official specs are in for the PlayStation 4 and what we have is, by and large, confirmation of existing DigitalFoundry stories - with one outstanding, exciting exception. At the PlayStation Meeting yesterday, Sony revealed that its new console ships with 8GB of GDDR5 RAM, not the 4GB we previously reported. It was a pleasant surprise not just for us, but also for many game developers out there working on PS4 titles now and completely unaware of the upgrade - a final flourish to the design seemingly added in at the last moment to make PlayStation 4 the most technologically advanced games console of the next gaming era.
Where does that say the kz4 was developed with lower specs?
the 8gb thing was a last minute announcement and the demo was developed running on 4gb hardware![]()
That doesn't mean anything. It said many developers, not all of them.
The final devkits went out last month. If what they showed last night was optimized for 4GB, cool. That just means the sequel will be even more incredible since they have more ram to play with.