Its hard being an Eagles fan 
I don't know if there was a bigger Cinderella story. Highest paid QB, at the time, goes to jail over a huge scandal & ruins his career. Comes back like Goku out of the Hyperbolic chamber & goes ham on the league
The world would've lost their mind if Vick got a ring 
I swear it looked like the stars were lining up that year
Vick showing he still had it vs. Green Bay....
The Redskins blowout...
Swaggin in New York part 1...
The Giants comeback...
at Dallas...
All for it to end
That was supposed to be our year

I don't know if there was a bigger Cinderella story. Highest paid QB, at the time, goes to jail over a huge scandal & ruins his career. Comes back like Goku out of the Hyperbolic chamber & goes ham on the league

I swear it looked like the stars were lining up that year

Vick showing he still had it vs. Green Bay....
The Redskins blowout...
Swaggin in New York part 1...
The Giants comeback...

All for it to end

That was supposed to be our year

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