this person is non-elected or appointed official...basically a faceless power person. They get no shine on the news or anything. Never even heard of the position until recently yet they run everybody in town or more accurately put...the entire COUNTY. They are more powerful than your mayor & city councilmen. They can hire & fire other government employees as well as oversee or 'greenlight' building projects in said county.
here's a description of the person.
any time you wonder why new business aren't building new things in your part of the county or city...its on this person to make it or allow it to happen...along with the city councilmen. These dudes HOLD THE KEYS to government contracts...they decide who wins breh
As powerful as this person is...why don't we ever hear about them
Also, this is a piggyback on how White Flight is so effective. I found that in of these dudes retirement was in the 400,000's range. Just imagine what his regular salary was before he retired.
here's a description of the person.
County administrators attend regular meetings of elected officials and they meet with citizens and business leaders. Administrators may hire and fire county employees as well as oversee the bidding process on building projects and purchases. Additionally, these professionals may nominate citizens for various governmental advisory boards. They might also develop plans to attract new developments to their counties.
Preparing their counties' annual budget is usually the responsibility of county administrators.
any time you wonder why new business aren't building new things in your part of the county or city...its on this person to make it or allow it to happen...along with the city councilmen. These dudes HOLD THE KEYS to government contracts...they decide who wins breh
As powerful as this person is...why don't we ever hear about them
Also, this is a piggyback on how White Flight is so effective. I found that in of these dudes retirement was in the 400,000's range. Just imagine what his regular salary was before he retired.