The Democrat Party is a Right Wing Party Again

that guy

Jan 25, 2014
Black voters have always had to switch their political allegiance in response to shifting party ideologies. For most of American history, Black Americans were loyal to the Republican Party, which was originally associated with anti-slavery and civil rights. However, as the Republican Party increasingly adopted right-wing, segregationist policies in the early 20th century, Black voters began to migrate to the Democratic Party, which, by the 1960s, embraced civil rights under leaders like Lyndon B. Johnson. Today, with some arguing that the Democratic Party has moved further right on certain issues, Black voters are once again faced with the challenge of navigating a shifting political landscape.

The thing about modern American politics is both parties have now moved to the right and there is no left-wing option. The republicans have become the right-wing extremist confederate party and the democrats have become moderate republicans/neoconservatives.

Why have the supposedly left-wing democrats been far more racist than the republicans in the last 30 years? Let’s just look at the last 4 Democratic candidates alone:

Current president 2020-2024: Joe Biden

Personally authored the most racist, anti-black, destructive policy post civil rights era: the Joe Biden crime bills, which ushered in the mass incarceration era, are so destructive to black American life it’s been coined “the new Jim Crow.” He even bragged about working with southern racist republicans on the bill. He has numerous racist soundbites including when he slipped up and called black children “roaches” on camera and judge Joe brown said he personally heard Joe Biden say “integration is like a roach infestation, once you get black kids into our schools you will never be able to get them out.” Roaches in case young people don’t know is an old school racist term for black people.

He’s been documented as referring to integrated schools as “racial jungles”

Even current VP Kamala Harris has used this against Joe Biden in debates when she ran against him in 2016.

He was proud friends with literal card carrying KKK members and called notorious racists and segregationists like strom thurman and Robert Byrd his friends and mentors. He’s an old world racist that not only is personally responsible for the new Jim Crow, but he was also against integration. Here Biden is delivering the eulogy for his “friend and mentor” and literal card carrying kkk member Robert Byrd:

For the finale, just listen to Biden give his infamous crime bill speech full of racist dog whistle language and tell me if he doesn't sound identical to Donald trump:

Here Biden proudly calls himself a Zionist. Zionism is an ultra right-wing ideology no different than racism, or nazism. These are all ideologies created by white people to justify committing the heinous acts needed to practice white supremacy such as genocide, slavery, lynching, etc.

Racism = used to justify enslavement and genocide of Africans
nazism = used to justify holocaust and genocide of white Jews
Zionism = used to justify colonization of Middle East and genocide of Arabs

Biden once again can’t help but publicly display his affection for white supremacists and expresses how much he “loves bibi” meaning Benjamin Netanyahu who is Hitler reincarnate.

Israel is also the same country that sterilized black Ethiopian jews to prevent them from overpopulating Israel, just like the eugenics movement right here is the US, where they learned it from.

Current VP and Democratic nominee: Kamala Harris

Career prosecutor and prolific enforcer of the Joe Biden crime bills. You can’t have mass incarceration and the new Jim Crow without character-deficit prosecutors like Harris to enforce the policy. She targeted black single mothers with truancy laws, not because black children need an education, but because california schools get their funding from attendance rates. She wanted to show that she could be “tough on crime” which is just a dog whistle for racist whites that means “tough on black people”

Her office routinely incarcerated innocent black men like Jamal trulove which she has not even addressed but has the audacity to hypocritically invite the Central Park 5 to the DNC. The same Central Park 5 that were wrongly prosecuted by another Democrat prosecutor. She did nothing to address the infamously racist SFPD. One google search of “SFPD racism” will tell you all you need to know.

Kamala Harris didn’t have the same passion for being “tough on crime” when it came to high profile white criminals. As attorney general, she dropped charges on Steve Mnuchin CEO of Onewest bank in California. Who was sued for redlining (which he settled) and we went on to become Donald trumps treasury secretary.

His bank also committed 1000’s of cases of mortgage fraud during the 2008 housing crisis. She dropped every charge brought to her by her own deputies. Why? Because his bank was also owned with other large democrat donors like George soros. They profited billions by selling the bank and he then went on to become Donald trumps treasury secretary. Now you see why Kamala was hand-picked to receive the Democratic nomination by the donor class.

Just recently, she is praising the aforementioned Israel, a white supremacist ethnostate and former British colony, for successfully killing a Palestinian resistance force leader. This is no different than praising police for assassinating Fred Hampton for example. Why would a so-called black American woman be pro-Israel? A country that literally sterilized black women without their consent.

2016 democratic nominee: Hilary clinton
Worked alongside racist Joe Biden in curating the negative stereotype of the black male image with her notorious “super-predator” coinage referring to black men. Just listen to her speech, does she sound like a Republican or a democrat?

2008-2016: President Barack Obama
First “black” president who ushered in a new era of extrajudicial murders of black men and children like Trayvon martin and tamir rice after he invited a racist cop to the White House for a “beer summit” rather than condemning racism and racial profiling. This cowardly approach emboldened race soldiers nationwide. All of these killings happened under Obama:

Trayvon martin
Tamir rice
Mike Brown
Eric Gardner
Philando castile
Breonna Taylor
Sandra bland
Laquan McDonald
Walter Scott
Freddie gray
Jordan Edward

He then referred to the protestors of the killings of unarmed black men as “thugs” which is a notorious dog whistle used by racist whites to refer to black people. Starting to notice a pattern here with democrats and dog whistles?

When obama is not referring to black men as “thugs” he repeatedly referred to black men as the ghetto stereotype “pookie and ray ray” despite not having any black American lineage.

I earlier mentioned how racist false narratives were used as a pretext for anti-black policies. Well Obama is currently tried curating a false narrative of black men being misogynistic in an attempt to gaslight black men into voting for the aforementioned mass incarceration enforcer and Zionist supporter Kamala Harris. He also refers to “pookie and ray ray” again.

“My thoughts are with the police officers”

Notice how he talks about police officers and the difference in language and tone when he talks about protestors.

He cried over white victims of white on white gun violence but never shed a tear for black children like tamir rice killed by race soldiers. He responded to the protesting of murders of unarmed black men by signing into law “blue lives matter” offering more protections for police officers. He signed no legislation to punish race soldiers for the extrajudicial killings of black people.

I mentioned earlier how racist false narratives were used as a pretext to justify anti-black policies. Well Obama is currently curating a false narrative of black men being misogynistic in an attempt to gaslight black men into voting for the aforementioned mass incarceration enforcer Kamala Harris. If she loses, they will blame black men using the misogynistic narrative that they created.

So according to the democrats, black men are violent, super-predator, weed smoking misogynist criminals. These are all labels that have been curated by democrats, not republicans since the 90’s. They’re currently aligning themselves with a full-blown white supremacist apartheid ethnostate. The are also the party responsible for “the new Jim Crow”

The democrat party has returned to their racist roots. I haven’t even posted every example of their racism such as their recent blocking of a reparations bill in California after giving black people the runaround for years with “reparations studies”

Black Westchesterblackwestchester.comBetrayal or Caution? California Democrats Accused of Sabotaging Own Reparations ...


Jul 17, 2018
You thought.


Seoul Gleou

Feb 11, 2017
Damn these Russian bots putting in work. :whew: Playing like Kobe down 10 in the 4th quarter.

Says the Japanese agent pretending to be American :mjlol:

Nah my guy I live in Japan and can’t speak but basic Japanese

I live in Japan what the fukk is y’all talking about. :mjlol:

I’m in Japan right now
Not a foreigner but live in Japan.