Jinder Mahal recently spoke withLennard Surrao and sportskeeda.com, here are the highlights…
On The Undertaker Possibly Returning: I believe there is another chapter left but that’s the thing about the WWE, that’s the thing with Undertaker, he’s so mysterious, he’s so unpredictable, you don’t know what that chapter’s going to be.You know he can pop up anytime, he can pop on RAW or on SmackDown. He can pop up at WrestleMania, you just never know, but I believe that he still has something left. But that’s just my opinion. Even if he’s done, he’ll go down as one of the greatest of all time.
On His Success: Ultimately I believe that I’m responsible for my own success because it’s me who’s putting in all the hard work. Being there every night, you know giving it a 100% and leaving it all in the ring. Vince McMahon has luckily been really hands on with me which I’ve been very fortunate about as he is one the great minds of the business.He has made WWE into a global phenomenon. Ultimately it’s my hard work but also I’m really thankful to Vince for being such a great boss and really hands on with me and also for the great advice he gives me.
On Great Khali Possibly Returning to WWE: Yeah I would love to see Great Khali back to the WWE. I think it would be awesome when WWE comes back to India you know, maybe I and Khali can tag together. It would be fun to be a tag team together you know against whoever; Roman Reigns, John Cena, Randy Orton. You know I think that would be great because I look up to Khali like an older brother. A lot of times I get advice from Khali and I talk to him on the phone quite often.I would love to see him back in the WWE but I know he’s doing his own thing. He has his own academy but I look forward to the next generation of Indian WWE Superstars. You know Great Khali is awesome but let’s look to the future.I know he has an academy and many students. I look forward to working with the next generation, you know let’s find the next Indian Superstar for the WWE and the next Indian WWE Champion.
If He Could Pick a Legend to Face, Who Would It Be?: I think The Rock would be my perfect pick just because he’s such a huge Superstar and growing up he was one of my favourites, you know he was my idol. Just everything – from the way he spoke to his fashion sense to his style in the ring – you know he was a very fierce competitor.He was very strong and was always in tremendous shape and great on the microphone, very entertaining. So that would be my dream opponent of all time, to work a programme with the Rock. You know I think it’s still possible and can happen one day. He likes to come back to the WWE every once in a while. I think it’s a real chance that the opportunity can come to fruition.