Ever since the Benoit family tragedy, I have consistently tuned out WWE. One of the last episodes that I ever remember of being a consistent fan of WWE is when they embarrassing did a tribute show to a murderous psychopath before facts where presented to them. I remember when I was watching the finale of that show and news was rolling out that Benoit killed his family.I grew up, and realized of the depravity in form of entertainment that I watched and enjoy for almost twenty years. I watched this product because of wrestler's like Benoit to damage their brain, and I felt at guilt for his innocent family that had to be murdered. WWE would never ask him to do such things if their wasn't people willing to watch it. I was a die-hard Benoit fan and his intense ring persona at the time. As much as I admire the in-ring persona, I can truly never forgive myself for being a fan of such an obvious bodily harm that Benoit demonstrated on a consistent basis. I feel this plague most hardcore fans and realizing that this art of entertaining had to be refined and less graphic for the well being of the performer. WWE clearly made the changes and as much we all hate it. It was a necessary change for all their talent's well being. I can't take joy in watching someone killing themselves for my entertainment like this is some roman coliseum battle.
In 2011, after this drastic change in style and rise of stars like R-Truth, Mark Henry, and CM Punk. I instantly became a true fan again. Yet, WWE fumbled all those stars because they are so shell shocked to push new stars without analytic backing them up. It has come a constant cycle of repeat since probably 2014. It's not about putting on an exciting story or can't miss TV. It's about putting out their story whether you like it or not. If they're gonna make record profit. It'll keep rolling and that's it. I can respect it. I feel as much joy as reading 5 minutes of recap than wasting 5 hours of my life watching mediocrity unless I have nothing better to do.
It shouldn't be that way, and we shouldn't need a viral infection to wipe out a card for WWE's last resort is to simply give what all the fans want. It's a serious problem within WWE's creative and booking. I understand that you want to build stories and characters. Yet, they haven't build a compelling story in years. Everything is so forced, poorly written, and absolutely convoluted. It doesn't take much to write a good story. Yet, WWE focus in keeping the product so simple to pick up new viewers that it hurts long-term viewers. YOU have to give them substance. So, this joke of story line of Reigns vs. Brock 2... How they handle foreign talents like Russv and JInder... How they consistently side-step great matches for fukking joke gimmick matches. It's not going to be helpful to prosper long-term growth. 2017 has been awful year for WWE, and I honestly expect it. They are usually off one year and hot the next with their ring work. Yet, 2017 has been appalling and a chore to watch on a regular basis since Wrestlemania. Yet, they will probably make record profit for the fiscal year.
In 2011, after this drastic change in style and rise of stars like R-Truth, Mark Henry, and CM Punk. I instantly became a true fan again. Yet, WWE fumbled all those stars because they are so shell shocked to push new stars without analytic backing them up. It has come a constant cycle of repeat since probably 2014. It's not about putting on an exciting story or can't miss TV. It's about putting out their story whether you like it or not. If they're gonna make record profit. It'll keep rolling and that's it. I can respect it. I feel as much joy as reading 5 minutes of recap than wasting 5 hours of my life watching mediocrity unless I have nothing better to do.
It shouldn't be that way, and we shouldn't need a viral infection to wipe out a card for WWE's last resort is to simply give what all the fans want. It's a serious problem within WWE's creative and booking. I understand that you want to build stories and characters. Yet, they haven't build a compelling story in years. Everything is so forced, poorly written, and absolutely convoluted. It doesn't take much to write a good story. Yet, WWE focus in keeping the product so simple to pick up new viewers that it hurts long-term viewers. YOU have to give them substance. So, this joke of story line of Reigns vs. Brock 2... How they handle foreign talents like Russv and JInder... How they consistently side-step great matches for fukking joke gimmick matches. It's not going to be helpful to prosper long-term growth. 2017 has been awful year for WWE, and I honestly expect it. They are usually off one year and hot the next with their ring work. Yet, 2017 has been appalling and a chore to watch on a regular basis since Wrestlemania. Yet, they will probably make record profit for the fiscal year.