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We are back, Season 2 is here!!
Welcome to The-Coli WWE PPV Prediction contest. The contest will run yearly thru WrestleMania. Results will be added up and posted a few days after each PPV ends.
Mods, if this can be stickied/ upped monthly, that would be a great help!
Simply predict the winners, form of winning(result), and time of match from the templates created below. In addition to the matches, various extra categories will be created based on the PPV.
Winner- official winner of the match.
Result- how they won (Pinfall, Submission, DQ, Countout, or Escape (if cage match)
Time- length of the match (bell to bell). For each PPV, you get credit for the point if you are within 1 minute- high or low. Exact minutes given earns a bonus point. Minutes will be rounded (Ex. 15:27 is a 15 min. match, but 15:34 is a 16 min. match)
Cutoff for predictions on each PPV will be when the PPV begins. 8pm eastern, based on the SOHH website timestamps for posts. Any 8:01 posts (and beyond) will not be counted. Also, edits will not be counted.
Should be fun to see everyones predictions. Good luck to all!
Here are the returning champions from season 1:
(WWE Champ)g-ice
(IC Champ)Lucky Madman
(US Champ)Charknicks
This is a new season, so everyone starts at 0!!! The 3 above are defending their titles, as well as trying to move up to higher titles. Who will be the champions after WM 30???? The road starts NOW. Good luck to all.
Welcome to The-Coli WWE PPV Prediction contest. The contest will run yearly thru WrestleMania. Results will be added up and posted a few days after each PPV ends.
Mods, if this can be stickied/ upped monthly, that would be a great help!
Simply predict the winners, form of winning(result), and time of match from the templates created below. In addition to the matches, various extra categories will be created based on the PPV.
Winner- official winner of the match.
Result- how they won (Pinfall, Submission, DQ, Countout, or Escape (if cage match)
Time- length of the match (bell to bell). For each PPV, you get credit for the point if you are within 1 minute- high or low. Exact minutes given earns a bonus point. Minutes will be rounded (Ex. 15:27 is a 15 min. match, but 15:34 is a 16 min. match)
Cutoff for predictions on each PPV will be when the PPV begins. 8pm eastern, based on the SOHH website timestamps for posts. Any 8:01 posts (and beyond) will not be counted. Also, edits will not be counted.
Should be fun to see everyones predictions. Good luck to all!
Here are the returning champions from season 1:
(WWE Champ)g-ice
(IC Champ)Lucky Madman
(US Champ)Charknicks
This is a new season, so everyone starts at 0!!! The 3 above are defending their titles, as well as trying to move up to higher titles. Who will be the champions after WM 30???? The road starts NOW. Good luck to all.