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First of all, sorry about the delay. Just didnt have the time to do the calculating of the results, but they are finally here.
After 2 decent PPV's, which saw a new UFC Heavyweight champion crowned, Overeem get KTFO, and the Featherweight champ keep his title, we have the results of those 2 prediction contests. Congrads goes out to Kevco, who won the UFC 155 contest with 14 points, and LaFraud James, who crushed the competition with 18 points in the UFC 156 contest.
Below are the results after 9 contests:
Here are the results after 9 events (through UFC 156):
1.Jackswstd (UFC155-6) (UFC156-12) Total:123 (UFC149 champ)
2.Hazardous (UFC155-7) (UFC156-8) Total:116
3.Lafraud James (UFC155-12) (UFC156-18) Total:116 (UFC149 & 156 champ)
4.Charknicks (UFC155-6) (UFC156-13) Total:115 (UFC150 champ)
5.Bsmooth (UFC155-13) Total:105 (UFC152 champ)
6.Mantle Drunk (UFC155-12) (UFC156-8) Total: 99 (UFC149 & 154 champ)
7.Alpha Dog Total:97 (UFC148 champ)
8.Nguvu (UFC155-2) Total:86 (UFC154 champ)
9.Fireman718239 Total:58 (UFC146 champ)
10.EvilGeniusSwizzy (UFC155-6) (UFC156-10) Total:53 (UFC153 champ)
11.Meelad92 Total: 50
12.firemanBk Total: 41
13.TheLukieBaby Total:35
14.The Prodigal Son Total: 33
15.Jutt Total: 28
16.Kid Kash (UFC156-3) Total: 28
17.KevCo (UFC155-14) (UFC156-5) Total: 25 (UFC 155 champ)
18.Tunes Total:23
19.RaidenS Total:22
20.Hoss (UFC155-7) (UFC156-5) Total: 19
21.Pez Total: 18
22.Wake&bake Total:14
22.Death6six6 Total:14
24.Mr metoo Total: 8
25.Tuff Gong (UFC155-1) Total: 1
The contest for UFC 157, featuring the 1st UFC women's fight in history, will be up next week. Thanks again to all who participate.
After 2 decent PPV's, which saw a new UFC Heavyweight champion crowned, Overeem get KTFO, and the Featherweight champ keep his title, we have the results of those 2 prediction contests. Congrads goes out to Kevco, who won the UFC 155 contest with 14 points, and LaFraud James, who crushed the competition with 18 points in the UFC 156 contest.
Below are the results after 9 contests:
Here are the results after 9 events (through UFC 156):
1.Jackswstd (UFC155-6) (UFC156-12) Total:123 (UFC149 champ)
2.Hazardous (UFC155-7) (UFC156-8) Total:116
3.Lafraud James (UFC155-12) (UFC156-18) Total:116 (UFC149 & 156 champ)
4.Charknicks (UFC155-6) (UFC156-13) Total:115 (UFC150 champ)
5.Bsmooth (UFC155-13) Total:105 (UFC152 champ)
6.Mantle Drunk (UFC155-12) (UFC156-8) Total: 99 (UFC149 & 154 champ)
7.Alpha Dog Total:97 (UFC148 champ)
8.Nguvu (UFC155-2) Total:86 (UFC154 champ)
9.Fireman718239 Total:58 (UFC146 champ)
10.EvilGeniusSwizzy (UFC155-6) (UFC156-10) Total:53 (UFC153 champ)
11.Meelad92 Total: 50
12.firemanBk Total: 41
13.TheLukieBaby Total:35
14.The Prodigal Son Total: 33
15.Jutt Total: 28
16.Kid Kash (UFC156-3) Total: 28
17.KevCo (UFC155-14) (UFC156-5) Total: 25 (UFC 155 champ)
18.Tunes Total:23
19.RaidenS Total:22
20.Hoss (UFC155-7) (UFC156-5) Total: 19
21.Pez Total: 18
22.Wake&bake Total:14
22.Death6six6 Total:14
24.Mr metoo Total: 8
25.Tuff Gong (UFC155-1) Total: 1
The contest for UFC 157, featuring the 1st UFC women's fight in history, will be up next week. Thanks again to all who participate.