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Welcome to the The-Coli/ UFC PPV prediction contest. Since we have many MMA fans here on the site, I figured it was time to see how well was can predict the results of the PPVs, and MMA deserves equal time and shine as wrestling in the TSC forums. Since we are starting here in May, the contest will run yearly through the April PPV. Results will be added up and posted a few days after each PPV ends.
Mods, if this can be stickied/ upped monthly, that would be a great help!
Simply predict the winners, form of winning, and if a finish occured, the round of the finish from the templates created below. In addition to the matches, various extra categories will be created based on the PPV.
Winner- official winner of the match.
Result- how they won- (T)KO, Submission, Decision or DQ.
Round- if the match ends in a finish, which round will the fight end in.
Cutoff for predictions on each PPV will be when the PPV begins. 10pm eastern based on the website timestamps for posts. Any 10:01 posts (and beyond) will not be counted. Also, edits will not be counted.
Should be fun to see everyones predictions. Good luck to all!
Here are the results after 7 events:
1.Jackswstd Total:105 (UFC149 champ)
2.Hazardous Total:101
3.Alpha Dog Total:97 (UFC148 champ)
4.Charknicks Total:96 (UFC150 champ)
5.Bsmooth Total:92 (UFC152 champ)
6.Lafraud James Total:86 (UFC149 champ)
7.Nguvu Total:84 (UFC154 champ)
8.Mantle Drunk Total: 79 (UFC149 & 154 champ)
9.Fireman718239 Total:58 (UFC146 champ)
10.Meelad92 Total: 50
11.firemanBk Total: 41
12.EvilGeniusSwizzy Total:37 (UFC153 champ)
13.TheLukieBaby Total:35
14.The Prodigal Son Total: 33
15.Jutt Total: 28
16.Kid Kash Total: 25
17.Tunes Total:23
18.RaidenS Total:22
19.Pez Total: 18
20.Wake&bake Total:14
20.Death6six6 Total:14
22.Mr metoo Total: 8
23. Hoss Total: 7
24. KevCo Total: 6
Mods, if this can be stickied/ upped monthly, that would be a great help!
Simply predict the winners, form of winning, and if a finish occured, the round of the finish from the templates created below. In addition to the matches, various extra categories will be created based on the PPV.
Winner- official winner of the match.
Result- how they won- (T)KO, Submission, Decision or DQ.
Round- if the match ends in a finish, which round will the fight end in.
Cutoff for predictions on each PPV will be when the PPV begins. 10pm eastern based on the website timestamps for posts. Any 10:01 posts (and beyond) will not be counted. Also, edits will not be counted.
Should be fun to see everyones predictions. Good luck to all!
Here are the results after 7 events:
1.Jackswstd Total:105 (UFC149 champ)
2.Hazardous Total:101
3.Alpha Dog Total:97 (UFC148 champ)
4.Charknicks Total:96 (UFC150 champ)
5.Bsmooth Total:92 (UFC152 champ)
6.Lafraud James Total:86 (UFC149 champ)
7.Nguvu Total:84 (UFC154 champ)
8.Mantle Drunk Total: 79 (UFC149 & 154 champ)
9.Fireman718239 Total:58 (UFC146 champ)
10.Meelad92 Total: 50
11.firemanBk Total: 41
12.EvilGeniusSwizzy Total:37 (UFC153 champ)
13.TheLukieBaby Total:35
14.The Prodigal Son Total: 33
15.Jutt Total: 28
16.Kid Kash Total: 25
17.Tunes Total:23
18.RaidenS Total:22
19.Pez Total: 18
20.Wake&bake Total:14
20.Death6six6 Total:14
22.Mr metoo Total: 8
23. Hoss Total: 7
24. KevCo Total: 6