A series of brutal murders puts the lives of three men on a collision course: The father of the latest victim now out for revenge, a vigilante police detective operating outside the boundaries of law, and the main suspect in the killings - a religious studies teacher arrested and released due to a police blunder.
You can find this on Netflix. If anyone has a stream or download link, I will put it in this post.
I'm firing this movie up as I'm typing this. It's an Israeli film, so it's subtitled (which shouldn't be a problem). I hope the majority of the board hasn't seen it yet, and I hope it's a good pick. It's been recommended several times by people who's movie opinions I trust. I will have a review by the morning.
@hexagram23 @cook Can I get a sticky and can you tag the club? I doubt my tags will work.
@Keyser Soze @2 Up 2 Down @TarPitWu @Master Teacher @Conz @Anbessa725 @nikkahs B. Wildin @storyteller @ghostwriterx @Yoda @Kunty McPhuck @pete clemenza @KOTK @Captain_Crunch @TdashDUB @Ghost Utmost @tonyclifton @Wise @True Blue Moon @yoyoyo1 @Rekless Youf @Patrick Kane @YouMadd? @Mr Hate Coffee @NZA @Tuaminator @dangerranger @Primetime @Manny ManhaTTan @LongJohn @Ebonic Plague @Bruce LeRoy @Ayo @MF_BREW @Spin @Sunalmighty @choc_cardigan @StupidQuestion @Hammer @BarNone @IronFist @GoldenGlove @2Quik4UHoes @LostOne@TheGodling @duckbutta @The_Unchosen_One @Batz @Tony_Bromo @trick @StillNotSoft @theoretic@Wiirdo@sun raw @HankMoodyCSC @CapitalOne @bboystyle @dvdjamm @choc_cardigan @Arcavian @PurePlaya @DosCadenaz @T-K-G@Silkk
Shot out to @SlowPaceThrillah for the nod
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