To Download Gametypes: Start--> FileBrowser--> Game Types --> AkaDemiK Da KiD
To Download Maps: Start--> FileBrowser--> Map Variants--> AkaDemiK Da KiD
Maps and Gametypes to Download:
The-Coli Solace
The-Coli Haven
The-Coli Adrift
The-Coli Abandon
The-Coli Slayer
The-Coli Oddball
The-Coli KOTH
The-Coli Extraction
The-Coli Adrift CTF (3 sec return time and 35 sec reset time)
The-Coli Solace CTF (w/o return and 35 sec reset time)
Settings & Gametypes:
Map and Gametype combo:
Haven - Slayer
Haven - Extraction
Haven - Hill
Adrift - Adrift CTF
Adrift - Hill
Solace - Solace CTF
Solace - Hill
Solace - Extraction
Abandon - Oddball
Abandon - Slayer
Abandon - Extraction
Loadouts: There are 3 loadouts that you can Choose from with either a DMR, BR or Light Rifle as your starting weapon. All loadouts include Carbine, Resupply and Explosives. Explosives give grenades a higher blast radius while weakening the damage you receive from them a tad bit. I removed dexterity because it makes it too easy to use power weapons that have a long reload time. This is necessary to promote skillful uses of power weapons and to punish players for being too reckless with them. Also, there is no starting Armor Ability, you can will have to earn them in your personal ordinance or you can grab one of the 2 jetpacks that spawn on each map.
Personal Ordinances: are removed from all gametypes. Weapons, Armor Abilities and Overshield are placed on each map.
There is no more random weapon drops. Power weapons and power ups are on predictable timers as Initial Ordnance drops with resupply timers. Meaning the weapon will come back "X" amount of time after it is picked up. The Overshield (OS) is the only exception, it is on a 2 minute static timer, meaning it will spawn every 2 min of a match regardless of when a player picks it up, for example 15:00, 13:00, 11:00 and so on and so forth.
Power Weapon Timers:
Rockets - 3 min timer
Sniper - 2 min
SAW - 2 min
Overshield - 2 min (static timer)
Damage Boost - 90s
Normal Weapon Timers:
AR - 1 min timer
BR - 1m
DMR - 1m
Supressor - 1m
Storm Rifle - 1m
Light Rifle - 1m
Carbine - 1m
Plasma Pistol - 30s
Boltshot - 30s
Jetpack - 2 on each map
Grenades - Grenades are placed on the maps in packs of three, 1 of each type.