The Coil is an offshoot of the terrorist faction Cobra, formed either by ....


May 1, 2012
Cobra Commander or Serpentor.

The Coil began as a movement within the Cobra organization, shortly after the Cobra Civil War. It was started by low ranking members who realized Cobra Commander was using them the same way as the system from which he had brought them. After the war ended with Serpentor's death, members of the Coil switched Serpentor's body with another in the infamous freighter incident. For three years they worked in secret within the abandoned Cobra Island facility to revive the fallen emperor, until their efforts paid off. Serpentor had been brought back to life to lead the Coil.

Using former Hammer Team member Lt. Mikhail Derenko, under the codename Nowhere Man, and Firefly, Serpentor began recruiting former Cobra soldiers to his cause. While the actions of Duke, Snake Eyes and Sean Collins (better known as Kamakura) halted this recruitment, neither Derenko nor Firefly were captured. Serpentor was thus allowed to continue his secret recruitment and build up on Cobra Island. The former Cobra fortress had been rebuilt and expanded to fit the Coil's operational needs.

Around the time of Cobra's reformation, Zandar (Dreadnoks member and Zartan's brother) began spying on the terrorist organization for the Coil feeding them information. Months later, Firefly stole a prototype Battle Android Trooper from Doctor Mindbender and the Dreadnoks, hinting at a spy within Zartan's organization. Following that, Doctor Mindbender and a man named Hannibal, who was himself a clone of Serpentor, began gathering the younger Serpentor clones in an effort to bring the former Cobra Emperor
to him.
