The Code Noir (The Black Code)


Jah Sun Ma'at Ra
May 8, 2012
The Code noir was a decree originally passed by France's King Louis XIV in 1685 that defined the conditions of slavery in the French colonial empire (Haiti, etc.)

It has been described by UC Berkely History Professor Tyler Stovall as "one of the most extensive official documents on race, slavery, and freedom ever drawn up in Europe."

Here's a link to it The Code Noir (The Black Code)

Instead of copying and pasting the whole thing which i know most of you wont read ill instead copy and paste a few of the more violent articles contained within....

Article XVI. We also forbid slaves who belong to different masters from gathering, either during the day or at night, under the pretext of a wedding or other excuse, either at one of the master's houses or elsewhere, and especially not in major roads or isolated locations. They shall risk corporal punishment that shall not be less than the whip and the fleur de lys, and for frequent recidivists and in other aggravating circumstances, they may be punished with death, a decision we leave to their judge. We enjoin all our subjects, even if they are not officers, to rush to the offenders, arrest them, and take them to prison, and that there be no decree against them. . . .

Article XXXIII. The slave who has struck his master in the face or has drawn blood, or has similarly struck the wife of his master, his mistress, or their children, shall be punished by death. . . .

Article XXXVIII. The fugitive slave who has been on the run for one month from the day his master reported him to the police, shall have his ears cut off and shall be branded with a fleur de lys on one shoulder. If he commits the same infraction for another month, again counting from the day he is reported, he shall have his hamstring cut and be branded with a fleur de lys on the other shoulder. The third time, he shall be put to death.

This is an image of the fleur de lys

keep that in mind when u see the new orleans saints uniforms