The Cloud Ecosystem 101. Welcome to the Future


The Big League
Jun 8, 2012
New York
Every company is moving towards the cloud its called an ecosystem. Apple has their icloud service which makes swithing devices simple and easy. It backs up everything. Google has one but its in the background. When you set up your google account and signin everything restore and sync and all your info is saved. People are reluctant to move to the cloud because they are used to internal storage. They are some cases where you might need 32 GB of storage but those are extreme cases. The most popular ipad is the 16 GB version and the most popular nexus tablet is the 16 GB version. So why is the cloud important??!! One reason is because it make switching devices seamlessly and pain free. No more transferring files back and forth. Thanks to the cloud Now you can install dropbox, google drive and box on your desktop and drag and drop. The files are immediately saved to that particular app on your device and to the cloud. So this is how you maximize the cloud.

The Files Cloud System

1. Install dropbox, google drive, skydrive and box program on your PC. Then sign up for all of the service. They give you 5GB free storage.

2. Install the app on your device. Sign in. When on your PC drag and drop files into the either of the programs. Go to your device open the app then you have the option of keeping it in the cloud or save to your phone.

google drive-



Offline use- Save the file to your phone from the cloud/ make available offline

The Music Cloud
Google music gives you 20,000 songs storage space. Upload your itunes library or playlist to google music via the google music manager uploader. When the music files are upload you can play your music from te\he web browser by signing into

Google music-

google music manager upload -

Offline use- Pin the files that you want to make it available off line

Dropbox have instant camera upload. Snap a pic and your photo gets saved to dropbox immediately. If you use google+ or facebook there is an instant upload option to save your files to the cloud.

dropbox instant upload info- Dropbox Adds Automatic Photo Uploads | PCWorld

google+ instant upload info- Google+ iPhone App Gets Instant Photo Upload Feature | PCWorld

With google + your instant uploaded photos are stored in the gallery and can be used at all times.

Bonus:How to Save Google Music Songs to your Android’s SD Card (Video)




The Big League
Jun 8, 2012
New York
Play Google Music Offline on iPhone/iPad/iPod

Since Google doesn't release an official music player for iOS devices, there are 2 methods to play Google Music offline on iPhone/iPad/iPod: 1) Download Google Music to computer and transfer to your device. 2) a third-party music player such as gMusic that supports offline playback. If you have any other methods to play Google Music offline, you are welcome to comment.

Note: just tap the triangle next to anything in a list and pick Offline.
If you have purchased the music, you could also download Google Music to your iTunes library and sync them to your iPhone/iPad/iPod to play when you can't connect to the Internet. Therefore, you don't need to pay extra $1.99 for gMusic player.
Play Google Music Offline on Computer
As you know, Google provides a Music Manager for you to download Google Music to computer. But, wait, it ONLY applies to purchased Google songs?! Yes, so you may need to know how to download any Google Music - purchased and uploaded - to computer so that you can use for offline playback.


The Big League
Jun 8, 2012
New York
Play Google Music Offline on Android Devices

If you are using an Android phone or Android tablet, you are lucky. Here are the steps to play Google Music when you're not connected.
1. Make sure you are in the correct view. On the Music app on your Android phone, select the Albums, Artists, or Playlists view using horizontal navigation bar at the top of the app. On the tablet, use the drop down menu in the top left corner to switch views.
2. On your Android phone, touch the menu button and choose 'Make available offline'. On your tablet, this menu is at the top right corner of the Application bar.
3. Touch the gray pin next to each item you want to play offline. You can select multiple items at once.
4. The gray pin will turn green, marking that the items will be played offline.
5. Touch 'Done' and the Music app will start downloading the items to your device.