The Circle of Progress


All Star
May 29, 2013
Will there be a day when humanity will live in equilibrium with the earth and its inhabitants, free of the worries of financial issues, health problems, war? Ill already say that i dont think theres any way. Humans are a part of nature, and thus we are ruled by nature. And nature has its own rules and systems that when disturbed, will change the entire system, and cause a ton of great problems, each of which we must solve independently. And everytime we solve it, there usually springs up another issue that we didnt forsee, that came about because of how we solved the last issue. This is seen most clearly with health. We found vaccines for the ancient diseases that plagued us for centuries, but then arose new diseases, many that came because we started living longer. Humans are designed to die when they get old, this is something that for some reason people dont accept, but its inevitable. Now we have antibiotics, which are creating stronger bacteria, creating a self perpetuating cycle of disease that keeps evolving. As we come closer to finding out the secrets of life, we come closer to finding the grand cure of disease, but its likely that will have consequences also. So health is one department where we probably wont ever completely solve things.

Then there is the progress of industry, infrastructure, technology, etc. Basically everything that requires materials to make, or processing. We know well what consequences these things carry, oil and gas are slowly being filtered out of the usable resource supply, same with all fossil fuels. Their damage to the environment continues to severely intensify this cycle, further hindering our progress. All of these issues came over time, after the industrial age, and people continue to ignore the obvious which is that this cycle will continue, because thats how nature works.

Nature works slowly, we dont understand this simple fact, which is why we move forward with haste without thinking about the consequences. We are coming upon a new frontier of technology that will likely solve most of our current problems, but the next round of problems are far worse than the past ones. Estimates on the sustainablity of the human race in general (with our current lifestyle) put us at under 100 years, before we are seriously handicapped by a lack of resources. And if we dont act in the right ways, we will incur consequences that could range from manageable to catastrophic.

With all of this in mind, we must go back to the beginning of everything, and ask ourselves, what is progress? Is it the search for happiness, or the search for understanding? Is it the pursuit of making humanity the ruler of all? Truthfully, i think its aimless, scientists are the curious, who study and create for the joy of it. It is then those in charge who decide to guide science towards this progress, which is really just the ability to better structure society. So progress is really the pursuit of enabling humanity to further pursue its curiosities, of course we believe its to make life easier, but both research and objective observation prove that we havent succeeded in that at all. So all these resources, the destruction of the ecosystems, well thats pretty much it but that is all being spent for curiousity and power. Not to make lives better. True progress would be attaining happiness, and we were closer to that well before the industrial age.

I dont suggest that we should just shut everything down and go back to tribal ages, this is just food for thought really, a change of perspective, and mostly my attempt at showing you all what real happiness is, not progress for material things, but simply understanding things and moreso deriving importance from those around us, the simple things we were provided with when we were created.

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Apr 30, 2012
I think it's possible to become technologically advance, progress through scientific discovery AND be happy. We can do all these things with minimal impact to our environment. We can clothe, feed, house and provide care for every human being on the planet right now but it doesn't happen because we have been told that some deserve to be rich and some deserve to be poor. The problem is an addiction to greed.

But don't give up hope yet. Our species is still young. Our knowledge of this existence is still very much in the early stages. Everyday, there are new ideas and concepts that can provide us with a means to satisfy both paths: of technological/scientific progress and of being one with the environment.
Jul 6, 2012
If you don't believe in God, what's the point of caring about the future...?

We are alive today, we have to live to the maximum, the people who come after us can solve their own problems...That's the way of the universe...

When resources are plentiful, living organisms will keep growing until they reach maximum capacity, and many die off...But the surviving organisms will have better genetics to move on into the future...

And that's survival of the fittest...It's nature way...

Everything we humans are doing is perfectly natural, we are no different than bacteria adapting and evolving, the only difference is that our huge brains trick us into believing we are "special"...

But that's just nature way...

The universe does not care about our extinction...Just ask the dinosaurs...


All Star
May 29, 2013
I think it's possible to become technologically advance, progress through scientific discovery AND be happy. We can do all these things with minimal impact to our environment. We can clothe, feed, house and provide care for every human being on the planet right now but it doesn't happen because we have been told that some deserve to be rich and some deserve to be poor. The problem is an addiction to greed.

But don't give up hope yet. Our species is still young. Our knowledge of this existence is still very much in the early stages. Everyday, there are new ideas and concepts that can provide us with a means to satisfy both paths: of technological/scientific progress and of being one with the environment.
overpopulation can easily stop our progress, along with a couple other things, idk i wouldnt set our sights too far into the future this century will determine the future of humanity


All Star
May 29, 2013
If you don't believe in God, what's the point of caring about the future...?

We are alive today, we have to live to the maximum, the people who come after us can solve their own problems...That's the way of the universe...

When resources are plentiful, living organisms will keep growing until they reach maximum capacity, and many die off...But the surviving organisms will have better genetics to move on into the future...

And that's survival of the fittest...It's nature way...

Everything we humans are doing is perfectly natural, we are no different than bacteria adapting and evolving, the only difference is that our huge brains trick us into believing we are "special"...

But that's just nature way...

The universe does not care about our extinction...Just ask the dinosaurs...
thats kinda what im sayin, although i dont understand how god has anything to do with caring about the future

suffering is suffering, it is a natural part of nature, but we should do everything we can to limit it always. Thats what all life does naturally, trying to limit suffering by thriving.