Bro Polight: The Black woman is God and the white man is not the devil
Brother Polight: The Black Woman Is God & The White Man Is Not The Devil. - YouTube
i think the socially implanted ideas about race have really gotten us fukked up in the game.
let's answer this question... wtf is a "black" person? wtf is a white person?
if a biracial male has a baby with a "white" woman, is the baby black? if that baby turns out to be a son, and then he has a baby with a "white" woman, is that child black? and so on and so forth... how long does it take until the offspring wouldn't be considered black? 1/16? 1/32?
see... at some point we have to realize all ideas of race are ultimately subjective in this regard. but not even really subjective in a good way because the majority of people get their opinions on race handed down to them by society to digest as truth, when our ideas of race are NOT the truth.
in other words, somebody's black because we all agree he's black, or we all agree he/she is white. but we only agree cuz society is telling us to agree. most people never even begin to question the concept of race, it is just accepted as a social norm.
imo white people as we think they exist, do not even exist anymore.
but then again we have to come back to, what is a white person? someone without melanin? EVERYTHING contains melanin, so wtf are we talking about?
dont get me wrong... there is an obvious difference between and but ultimately we are talking about different levels of melanin.
and even then there are different kinds of melanin... there's the color pigment aspect of melanin, but then also the neural melanin that runs through the central nervous system.
i think any convo about race has a a lot of different aspects to it... but it's definitely not as easy to just say he's white, she's black, without qualifying wtf "black" and "white" actually mean.
Brother Polight: The Black Woman Is God & The White Man Is Not The Devil. - YouTube
i think the socially implanted ideas about race have really gotten us fukked up in the game.
let's answer this question... wtf is a "black" person? wtf is a white person?
if a biracial male has a baby with a "white" woman, is the baby black? if that baby turns out to be a son, and then he has a baby with a "white" woman, is that child black? and so on and so forth... how long does it take until the offspring wouldn't be considered black? 1/16? 1/32?
see... at some point we have to realize all ideas of race are ultimately subjective in this regard. but not even really subjective in a good way because the majority of people get their opinions on race handed down to them by society to digest as truth, when our ideas of race are NOT the truth.
in other words, somebody's black because we all agree he's black, or we all agree he/she is white. but we only agree cuz society is telling us to agree. most people never even begin to question the concept of race, it is just accepted as a social norm.
imo white people as we think they exist, do not even exist anymore.
but then again we have to come back to, what is a white person? someone without melanin? EVERYTHING contains melanin, so wtf are we talking about?
dont get me wrong... there is an obvious difference between and but ultimately we are talking about different levels of melanin.
and even then there are different kinds of melanin... there's the color pigment aspect of melanin, but then also the neural melanin that runs through the central nervous system.
i think any convo about race has a a lot of different aspects to it... but it's definitely not as easy to just say he's white, she's black, without qualifying wtf "black" and "white" actually mean.