The Banshees of Inisherin (not really a spoiler...)


Aug 29, 2013
For those who haven't seen it, I won't go into the details but I will say that one identifiable aspect of this movie, particularly for those of us who are a bit older, is the idea of a friendship having run its course.

In real life, things aren't going to be handled as dramatically. Measures aren't going to be quite so drastic as in the movie.
But I think it raises a fair question: Do you have friendships that you simply don't get much out of anymore?

It's an awkward situation because often there isn't really an easy or clear or tactful way to handle it.

Anyway, just a thought.

The more I think about this movie, the more I like it. Even if it's really a tragic story.


Knicks: 93 til infinity
May 3, 2012
Brussels, Belgium
I mean yeah, most of the times these frienships just die on their own. You start seeing the person less and less often, stop calling and just texting, then stop that too...and at some point your "conversations" are on some "hey what's up been a long time let's have a drink before the end of the month" "oh yeah for sure let's do that!" and of course that drink never happens. The thing in the movie is that they're on a small village on a small island so the friendship can't just "die" on it's own, since there's literally only one bar and they'll keep seeing each other every day.


May 26, 2012
San Diego
Was underwhelmed by this, but it's by far Martin McDonough's most restrained and watchable work since his debut, in 2008, with the same lead actors, In Bruges. I almost entirely disliked every single one of his other movies, but I did think this was solid.

As far as a mediation on friendship, I am not sure it really worked, we never really see the development, and devolution of friendship, and instead are left with the last days of it, and an increasingly bizarre and unexplainable escalation of events. But, the setting, the performances, are strong.

Thinking about friendships now, I don't know of any I had, as an adult, that expired, sometimes you lose touch, or get a little distant, but most of that is circumstances. I think the stronger sense of SELF you have the more tireless your friendships will be,

To be more cynical than the screenplay asks us too, Brendan Gleeson's old ass was still just sitting in the same bar every day, lol wasn't like he changed his life.

I have a friend from high school I haven't seen in like 30 months, but we sometimes talk for an hour or two on the phone, lives a totally different life than me. Girlfriend, normal job, little place with his girl. But, if I ask him to tell me stories about our friend who died that I wasn't around for, he will, almost on some until I can sleep shyt. That's a real friendship.


hit it, & I didn't go Erykah Badu crazy, #yallmad
May 20, 2012
I just have to fight dude every day before i did what he did


All Star
Jul 9, 2017
ATL, but rasied in DMV
I saw this movie back in November. I didn't know it was that long ago, but I liked it. Not sure if it was because the movie turned out a little better than I thought, or if it was because I've been recently on the tail-end of a 25 or 30 year friendship with an older brother, who ghosted me, and I went to this movie for a little therapy. He was a friend of my uncle's. We all worked together, and he gravitated towards me when my uncle got real sick. Then again, I think he gravitated towards me because his wife of 20 years was throwing him out, and filing for a divorce, and he wounded up needing a place to stay, which wounded up being with me for a year.

Of course this movie was much more dramatic, and I would have never kept talking to a buddy who clearly told me he didn't want to be my friend anymore. But then again, when you're stuck on some small island, with only a handful of inhabitants, and you have to keep seeing this friend, then I guess that can mess with your mind a little. However this older friend of mine was very sick, and suffered a stroke. You'd think that's when you need your closest friends. I do live out of town by the way, for like 16 years at that. But we kept in touch. What makes it so bad was, this happened to me during the same year by another close friend, who was even closer to me than this one at one time. We all use to worked together on the same job many years ago. In fact I became friends with this brother first. But those two never hung out. He also got sick, and suffered a stroke, along with other serious health issues, and wounded up losing everything, after being forced on disability.

Tbh, based on what I already knew about these two cats, I don't think either of them ghosted me just because they were sick. They were always a little envious, and wounded up without much. The first one I mentioned never had much to began with. Anyway, this was a wrong way to be, and I'm glad I never did that to any close friend just because their presents began to make me feel like a loser.

Both of these cats were older than me. The first one I mentioned was 8 1/2 years older, and the second one had me by 2 1/2 years. And both of them initiated the friendship. One lesson I learned from this is to be a little more leery of having friends too much older, especially when they initiate the friendship. Luckily, these weren't my only two friends.
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