I was just wandering around reading stuff and came across some information that a Japanese corporation tried to build a pyramid in 1978 using the same same techniques that they used in ancient times. They tried but it looked pretty bad and they had to use a lot of modern equipment from the 1970s. I thought it was just something pretty cool that was attempted but apparently its much deeper than that. There are people who believe it was aliens... not ancient Egyptians that built them and there are a vast amount of books and what not that have tried to prove going so far as to it was impossible back then to construct the pyramids.
And its just funny how learning one thing leads to another. I was reading the comments on the video and this guy said this:
And its just funny how learning one thing leads to another. I was reading the comments on the video and this guy said this:
I've been reading alot of stuff but my plate is full and although I like history, its secondary at this time. Black people and Egypt. Everytime I try looking something up relating to Egypt its always something like this. I need to read up on Egypt's history but what do you all have to say about this as a 2ndary question that non-African people claim to have built the pyramidsAncient black people!?!? No offense intended at all, but where the hell do you get that?? The pyramids built by the Ancient Egyptians, the ancestors of modern day Copts, we're still alive by the way. The closest thing to the Ancient Black People you might be referring to are the Nubians, which are a very distinct and separate race who ruled Egypt during various invasions and only built a few (and by far smaller) pyramids of their own.
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