Honestly not a surprise this quake happened, as Geological activity has been up the past few days. It's just how severe will the next one be, and where? Haiti just one of those places where the infrastructure is horrible for them, but yet their location is like really, really horrible.
Unlike say LA/San Francisco, or Japan, the populous is right over the damn thing.
So it's more of a true 7.2 vs a 7.2 happening elsewhere but places feeling a bit of lag time/energy loss.
Haiti will recovered, but that places needs to put Earthquakes at high priority, because if you don't, not just the lives will be lost as usual but you will have to rebuilt instead of repair.
The only good thing about that location though, and while they had a Tsunami warning, is that it's really hard for Tsunamis to form on those plates, because they tend to shift side to side, vs. the Tsunami causing thrust plates, where a portion of the plate is pushed under the other (Japan, Indian Ocean quakes.)