Eternally Jaded
The movie isn't bad at all.
Its not particularly great either, but the hate people are throwing its way is totally unfounded.
Its just an average lost in hostile world flick, only with one brother the world loves, and his son who America decided it hates.
The acting is fine, if anything Will was stiff, not the boy.
The only issue i got with it was the spotty cg in a few spots.
Will, white people have decided that its you they love....they won't love your son.
You giving him these chances that those other white superstars give their kids isn't cool with the general populace.
So you gotta change the dudes route to fame/fortune.
Send that ninja to school faraway from the media, then have him change his name to something like Israel Copva and have him be in Tyler Perry flicks for a few years, and then spring him back into the big time.
Sorry thought you'd be
but the reality is more like
Its not particularly great either, but the hate people are throwing its way is totally unfounded.
Its just an average lost in hostile world flick, only with one brother the world loves, and his son who America decided it hates.
The acting is fine, if anything Will was stiff, not the boy.
The only issue i got with it was the spotty cg in a few spots.
Will, white people have decided that its you they love....they won't love your son.
You giving him these chances that those other white superstars give their kids isn't cool with the general populace.
So you gotta change the dudes route to fame/fortune.
Send that ninja to school faraway from the media, then have him change his name to something like Israel Copva and have him be in Tyler Perry flicks for a few years, and then spring him back into the big time.
Sorry thought you'd be
but the reality is more like