God Emperor of SOHH
The 7 Races of Africa:
(*Africans did not call ourselves "Black"--we were the only human standard, so we had "races" of Africans. We identify by tribe first. Then clan. We did have songs about our color being 'black', we named our territories 'land of the blacks', 'black river'...but we went by Tribe, clan & had 7 races.)
The 7 Races of Africans:
1--Nilotic is the 1st race.
2--Some will argue that... Oromo... is the 1st race.
#3--Bantu race
#4--Pygmy race
#5--Berber race (mixed, mostly non-black but indigenous)
#6--Mende Race (aka Negro)
#7--Nomu (Hamitic, Semitic, Hebrew Nilotic sub-race)
**IF YOU are a Black person or a mixed race/biracial person (including Mariah Carey) anywhere on earth, then you belong to one of these 7 races.
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