
Trump at the Garden: A Closing Carnival of Grievances, Misogyny and Racism
The inflammatory rally was a capstone for an increasingly aggrieved campaign for Donald Trump, whose rhetoric has grown darker and more menacing.

US presidential election updates: Republicans in damage control after racist Puerto Rico comments at Trump rally
Donald Trump’s campaign condemns speaker at Madison Square Garden rally after Kamala Harris makes play for Puerto Rican voters with days to go before the 5 November election
Donald Trump’s Racist NYC Rally Was Vile. It Was Also Political Suicide
The Madison Square Garden rally, operatic in its repulsive bigotry, will almost certainly alienate more voters who might have voted for Trump.
You know what? Whatever. If people really needed this reminder a week from election day, fine - at least they got it

This will be in their minds when they hit that voting booth. As long as we all show up to vote, Kamala should have this