I'm all for firing Roman and Harbaugh for various points that have been discussed in this forum ad nauseam. However, do you think Roman and Dave Culley can be mentored or go to some OC bootcamp so these dudes can learn how to develop and coach an NFL passing system?
Warner got into the details and I gotta think that the details is what separates the pros form every other level of football. From what Warner has said, it looks like these guys aren't getting good coaching conceptually at all.
Based off of Warner's breakdown, it looks like the problem is not personnel, its coaching.
This is where Harbaugh's lack of coaching experience and specialized background as an OC has hurt the wr/qb relationship, the passing game and ultimately the offense.
no,from what Ive seen he has no business being a OC
he shouldve stayed the run game coordinator
he has no idea what route concepts are.High school teams run better plays than this
like Warner said he just has them running random routes with no real direction on what they're trying to achieve
you have Hollywood run a double move which worked but you also have Andrews run up the seem right next to him and have him bring his man over to basically cover Hollywood
the plays Warner showed arent even the worst.Ive seen plays throughout the season where 3 receivers are within 2 yards of each other,plays where crosser are running into each other,plays where everybody runs 5 yard routes out of bunch formations and everybody ends up within 3 yards of each other
conceptually ive never seen a passing game this bad in the nfl
the fact that dude was allowed to run this bs is an indictment on Harbaughs incompetence as a HC.Hes just as clueless as Roman.It reminds me of when he let Juan Castillo try out that bullshyt zone man blocking scheme in 2013 and we ended up setting the record for lowest YPC in nfl history as a team
even if they replace Roman i wont have any faith in this team again until Harbaugh is gone
we've literally been complaining about coaching for a decade now since the "fire Cam Cameron" days
Harbaugh is the common denominator in all this
dude is basically coasting off having a hall of fame GM and great front office
it still doesnt sit right with me that Ozzie was forced out cause this bum cant coach or develop players
Steve Biscotti needs to wake up realize Harbaugh is the problem and get rid of him
since hes so highly regarded around the league trade him for a 1st round pick like the Raiders did John Gruden years ago
Im sure we'd have teams lined up to trade for this overrated bum