Space is the Place
Welcome to the 5th edition of the analytics awards. As you probably know, there was a hiatus last year as the site redesign changed the dynamic code in the page source. I didn't have the time or patience to re-write the web scraping code last years but got it done this time.
For new 2022 members, this is your first awards which covers the best and worst in Coli posting. I use Python (beautiful soup web scraping) to scan the Coli web pages and collect user and thread data to look at user stats as well as the top posts. The class of 2022 will have their own special awards page.
@MikelArteta @Barnett114 @Rarely-Wrong Liggins please sticky
The Coli is still going though I would say growth is stagnant. It would have been worse without the class of 2022. Below are graphs of new posts per year overall, new posts per year by forum, and the post share by forum from 2012 until now.
For new 2022 members, this is your first awards which covers the best and worst in Coli posting. I use Python (beautiful soup web scraping) to scan the Coli web pages and collect user and thread data to look at user stats as well as the top posts. The class of 2022 will have their own special awards page.
@MikelArteta @Barnett114 @Rarely-Wrong Liggins please sticky
The Coli is still going though I would say growth is stagnant. It would have been worse without the class of 2022. Below are graphs of new posts per year overall, new posts per year by forum, and the post share by forum from 2012 until now.