The 2014 Coli Film Festival Thread [Film Buffs Enter]


We The North
May 25, 2012
T Dot
:myman:Here's how it's going down, brehs...

You get 3 picks. :birdman:
  1. Only movies released in 2014 (even if imdb says last year)
  2. Independent, Low Budget, Art House, Limited Release, etc movies only.
  3. Posts must contain review, reason or statement about each film posted.
Poll will be added to the thread eventually and we'll take a vote on the film of the year.:win:

:salute:Good Film Hunting


May 1, 2012
Hip Hop
I am a film buff, but im lacking on the independent area.
I just bought Blue Ruin so im gonna see whats popping.


Baseball Ready
May 2, 2012
so you're basically asking for nominees and each user can nominate 3?

I'll start off:


Dir: John Michael McDonagh

A really great film that illustrates the place for religion in modern society. Both religious and non-religious people should be able to admire and identify with the film. Great performance by Brendan Gleeson. My big complaint is that there are a couple of instances where the tone jarringly switches to dark comedy, more in line with the directors past work.

Definitely worth checking out, one of my favorites of the year so far.

strong 8/10


Sep 5, 2014
Cornfields, cows, & an one stoplight town

Ida is a Polish film directed by Pawel Pawlikowski and it's about a young girl named Anna (played by the amazing newcomer Agata Trzebuchowska) who grew up in a convent as a orphan. She's about to take her vows of chasisty and commit her entire life to God, when the head nun tells her she has an aunt named Wanda (played by Agata Kulesza) that she should see before taking her vows. So Anna goes to pay her aunt a visit and discovers an aloof, chain-smoking, alcoholic, washed up judge who sleeps around and bullies people. Aunt Wanda also doesn't p*ssyfoot. Within five minutes of meeting Anna, she drops a bomb on the girl- her name is not Anna, it's Ida, and she's a Jew. Her aunt also reveals that Ida's parents were victims of WWII and that she doesn't know where they're buried, which sends Ida on a journey to find out what exactly happened to them and where they are buried. When Wanda decides to join her on the trip and it changes both of their lives dramatically.

When I say this is a quiet film, I mean, there's very little dialogue. There's a lot of things left unsaid that are powerfully conveyed in the silence and expressions and physical reactions of the characters. Beautiful cinematography and a lot of stillness. Almost too much. If you're too impatient, it would be easy to get frustrated with the way this film was shot. But once you settle in and start seeing things through Anna's eyes, everything becomes natural. The trailer will give you a better idea about what I'm talking about.

Agata's performance in particular is very subtle and underplayed. It's very effective, but also jarring because I think we're used to actresses being so melodramatic to demonstrate emotion. Her blank, controlled expressions are mesmerizing and disturbing. She's really a product of the convent, and practices temperance in all things. It's sad. You think she's been brain-washed and has adopted a repressive world-view that will close her off from really living.

Throughout the movie, you're rooting for her aunt Wanda. The woman is funny and irreverent as hell, and she goes out of her way to challenge Anna, and what we the audience probably considers an oppressive existence. Wanda tries to get Anna to dance, encourages her to talk to the cute jazz saxophone player they pick up along the way, and tells her to let her hair down. It's exciting to see Anna struggle to come to terms with her true identity as well as the world beyond the convent, but the story doesn't develop, or end, the way a typical Hollywood movie would.

In fact, I found the ending quite unexpected and baffling, at first. I think for many people, the ending of this movie may even be infuriating. I know I was irritated when I left the theatre. Like I said, the point of the movie didn't really hit me until I was halfway home. I gasped when it did and then I teared up. I don't think I've ever had that late of a reaction to a movie. This was a powerful film, and I will see it again.