This shyt might be serious brehs & brehettes. I’ve run it back a few time. Get into it
Not a fan
She was on her all lives matters shyt a few years a go
I cant vibe with her music no more
But she also attracted less positive attention, in 2016, when she was 25, for a tweet she put out about the Brits. There was a hashtag, BritsSoWhite, objecting to the lack of nominations that year for artists of colour, and La Havas, with her mixed racial heritage, didn’t really agree with it. She tweeted: “Do not include me with this horrible horrible hashtag”, and then, when people questioned this, replied that she thought the hashtag was “racist and unfounded”. This caused a huge upset, and La Havas apologised and retreated.
I didn’t catch this years ago. LolNot a fan
She was on her all lives matters shyt a few years a go
I cant vibe with her music no more