Ten Reasons Why Bernie Sanders Must Be Stopped
Roy DelfinoAug 19
Tweets @RoyDelfino. Cog in the machine of the global pushback against conspiracy theories, simple-minded populism, and meddling by foreign adversaries.
Bernie is living the good life.
He’s got a top position in the Democratic Party. He gets hailed every day as the vanguard of the next generation. The news media treats him as the leader of the left. Meanwhile, even his biggest critics have suggested it’s time to “put the primary behind us” and kiss the ring of our new progressive champion. Those who would criticize Sanders are told to stay silent for the sake of “unity.”
Anyone who has read my articles knows I’m just sick of Bernie. This isn’t because of policy disagreements, or lingering bitterness from the primary. I just think he’s a thoroughly awful man. He has shown his deceitful, selfish and vindictive nature time and time again. I am stunned by how frequently I still hear people call Bernie “honest” or “authentic.” When I mention my arguments against Bernie to these people, I find they are often unfamiliar with the reality of the man and have this mental image of him as a stubbornly-principled saint.
We do not have time for this fantasy. Bernie Sanders was a tremendously destructive force in American politics in 2016, continues to inflict damage on the Democratic Party, and has already begun making moves for a 2020 run. It is time for the public to have an open-eyed examination of the man’s character, history, record and public statements.
1: He is insufferably self-righteous, with nothing to back it up
One of Bernie’s early campaign controversies came when he appointed himself gatekeeper of progressivism. The idea was to move the goalposts to exclude Hillary:
“Some of my best friends are moderates, but you can’t be a progressive and a moderate at the same time… I do not know any progressive who has a super PAC and takes $15 million from Wall Street.”
His television debut in this role was a stumbling mess. Pressed by Chuck Todd on whether Obama was a progressive, Sanders claimed he was, but refused to adjust his definition, even after being reminded that it excluded not just Obama but most Democrats.
Sanders would ruffle more feathers a month later when he declared Clinton unqualified for the presidency due to her support for NAFTA, her Wall Street fundraising, and her Iraq War vote. Once again, when put in a sticky position he backtracked, only to later double down and triple down, even after it was pointed out to him that he was disqualifying most of his Democratic colleagues.
Remember when Bernie wouldn’t let Jon Ossoff be a progressive?
This is one of Bernie’s favorite patterns. He loves to declare himself the only righteous man, then attack fellow Democrats for not meeting his standards. His colleagues in Congress have had to endure his smug, purity-testing disdain for decades:
“He screams and hollers,” Rep. Joe Moakley (D-Mass.) said… “but he is all alone…” Said Rep. Barney Frank, in ’91: “Bernie alienates his natural allies. His holier-than-thou attitude — saying in a very loud voice he is smarter than everyone else and purer than everyone else — really undercuts his effectiveness.”
Now you may be thinking, “This is why I like Bernie, he’s the one pure guy, you know what he stands for.”
But it’s easy to stand alone and act pure while doing nothing. That doesn’t make you a saint, it makes you Holden Caulfield. Despite giving the exact same stump speech for forty years, Bernie has not even attempted to accomplish anything with his power. Instead, he just introduces the same legislation every year, and makes no effort to pass it. As I pointed out in another article, the legislation Bernie introduces often isn’t even real legislation — for the most part it’s just rhetoric from his stump speech.
When Bernie’s Democratic colleagues won’t pass his bogus legislation for him, he says it’s proof of their corruption and corporate loyalties. These are the same Democrats who put together 59 votes for a public option, who voted 48–2 for McCain-Feingold, 54–0 for the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, 53–2 for Dodd-Frank, and so on. This is the kind of real progressive change that Bernie, by every metric one of the most useless Senators, never even tries to pursue. What efforts for progressivism has Bernie made beyond rehashing his stump speech, both in person and in his legislation? By every indication, Bernie does not care about being effective in his job or working towards real change; he cares about looking pure and occupying the moral high ground.
2: He is a tremendous hypocrite
An oft-cited praise of Sanders is that he stands by his convictions. Bernie’s convictions, however, were easy to stand by for most of his career because they were never seriously challenged. In the 2016 campaign, it became politically expedient to go back on his word, and he didn’t think twice. Several cases of glaring hypocrisy reveal a fundamental dishonesty that I see in Bernie Sanders.
Sanders’ attacks on superdelegates were a core part of his campaign. He claimed their existence was proof of a Democratic conspiracy against him and that they were stealing his rightful nomination. Yet as his chances of beating Clinton in pledged delegates dwindled to zero, Bernie began executing a strategy of convincing superdelegates to swing the election in his favor. As the situation got more desperate, Bernie added another layer of hypocrisy by saying that superdelegates in states he won should vote for their state’s winner, but those in states he lost should vote for “the strongest nominee.” Bernie was happy to rail against superdelegates for a year, but as soon as it was politically convenient, his conviction collapsed like a snowman in the sun.
Bernie has also repeatedly demanded Trump release his tax returns; however, he has refused to release his, and has flat-out lied when pressed on the subject. Bernie’s initial justification was that his wife was still doing them, and that she was looking through his closets to find the ones from previous years. That was over year ago and although Jane must have finished them by now, he still to this day refuses to release them. Instead, Bernie and Jane have repeatedly tried to lie that they’ve already released the returns. I won’t speculate on what he’s trying to hide, but it is brazenly hypocritical and deceitful for him to attack Trump on tax returns while repeatedly lying to avoid releasing his own.
Bernie made opposition to Super PACs a core focus of his campaign. It may surprise you, then, to learn that Bernie was supported by a massive Super PAC. National Nurses United for Patient Protection, a federally registered Super PAC, spent millions of dollars supporting Bernie. Bernie frequently praised their efforts on his behalf and even used their volunteers at polling places and rallies. The Super PAC’s spokesman gave the astoundingly lame excuse that they’re not really a Super PAC because they’re not billionaires. And lest you think this was just a group of nurses who loved Bernie, it should also be noted that “National Nurses United” is a well-funded, highly controversial operation that functions more as a disruptive political machine than a voice for nurses’ interests, to the chagrin of the nurses it claims to represent. Its leader, RoseAnn DeMoro, would later support Jill Stein for president.
Bernie embraces RoseAnn DeMoro in 2015. Her Super PAC would spend millions in support of his candidacy.
Sanders has claimed that unlimited spending from Super PACs corrupts politicians by compromising their interests. He was supported by millions of dollars from an enormous Super PAC. Should we not, by his standards, consider him compromised, and be skeptical of all his health care statements? What would he say if it was Hillary?