Tell Me If My Workout Looks Good?

Jimmy Two-Times™

Coli Mods Catch Me If U Can Forgive Me Imma Ridah™
Jan 17, 2013
Peckham™ Come Get Me!

MON: HIIT + Core
Warm-up: 5 minutes
HIIT 8-10 minutes
FARTLEK 30-50 mins
Core Exercises

TUE: Chest + Triceps
Flat/Decline Dumbbell Bench Press
Standing Dumbbell 1-Arm Shoulder Press
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press
Tricep Cable Push-Down
Single-Arm High/Middle/Low Chest Cable Flyes/Cable Crossovers
Flat/Incline/Decline Dumbbell Pull-Over
20-30 minutes easy cardio

WED: Hill Repeats
Warm-up: 5 minutes
Hill Repeats x8-x10
FARTLEK 30-50 mins

THU: Legs (Rotate workouts for week 1 and 2 then repeat.)
Week #1
Warm-up: 5 minutes
Back/Front/Kettlebell-Sumo Squat
Dumbbell Lunges
45° Hyperextension
Leg Press
Seated Calf Raises
Hanging Leg-Raises
20-30 minutes easy cardio

Week #2
Warm-up: 5 minutes
Straight-Leg Deadlift
Leg Curl
Standing Calf Raises
20-30 minutes easy cardio

FRI: HIIT + Core
HIIT 8-10 minutes
FARTLEK 30-50 mins
Core Exercises

SAT: Back + Biceps
Warm-up: 5 minutes
Rope Standing Straight Arm Lat Pulldown
Wide-Grip/Close-Grip Lat-Pulldown
Single-Arm Dumbbell Rows
Dumbbell Bicep/Hammer Curl
Reverse Dumbbell Curls
Front Dumbbell Raise
Side Lateral Dumbbell Raise
Cable Reverse Fly
20-30 minutes easy cardio

SUN: Rest

Is that too much for one day or one week?:patrice::wow::manny:

King Harlem

Jan 28, 2016
It depends on what your goals are?
Also, where's your shoulder workouts? Is there only one exercise that's focused on that area?
Also if you only plan on lifting 3 days a week it might be better to do full body exercise days, so you can work each muscle group multiple times during the week.

Other than that it seems like a good workout schedule, a little ambitious. You should pay attention to your body and more than likely you will have to make adjustments that you feel work for you.
Good luck.

Jimmy Two-Times™

Coli Mods Catch Me If U Can Forgive Me Imma Ridah™
Jan 17, 2013
Peckham™ Come Get Me!
It depends on what your goals are?
Also, where's your shoulder workouts? Is there only one exercise that's focused on that area?
Also if you only plan on lifting 3 days a week it might be better to do full body exercise days, so you can work each muscle group multiple times during the week.

Other than that it seems like a good workout schedule, a little ambitious. You should pay attention to your body and more than likely you will have to make adjustments that you feel work for you.
Good luck.
Thanks breh.

My goal is to improve functional strength without adding too much mass because I naturally gain too much size whatever style of weight lifting I do. I'm naturally stocky so I don't wanna be outchea looking like a WWF wrestler if I can't help it.:mjlol: As well as, vastly improving my cardiovascular system with high intensity cardio like hill sprints, football (soccer), spin cycling, FARTLEK and HIIT.

I know I should have dedicated a full day to doing shoulders (as I have done in the past) but I honestly can't bare more than 3 days doing weights a week which is a personal preference that allows me to be more consistent. 3 days a week in the past 2 years works for me.

I always thought whether you do a full body workout 2-3 times a week or one muscle group on separate days of the week would gain the same results eventually anyway. You could get stronger, fitter and bigger in 6 months doing the full body workout vs a little over 1 year hitting one muscle group a week to achieve what the prior would have attained months earlier if the effort was put in.

I thought when you hit chest and back you are inadvertently hitting your shoulders too so that's why I mixed in the exercises I would have done on my old shoulder day into my chest days and back days. I'm not skipping shoulders.:whoa:

I was spreading the shoulder workouts between two days. Like I'd do a compound exercise in shoulder presses on the same day as chest day because it hits the side and front deltoids, but on my back day I'd do side raises, front raises, dumbell rows and cable reverse flys which would isolate and hit all three deltoids. So, I am working my shoulders twice a week I think -- I could be proven wrong though.:yeshrug:

What do you mean by "ambitious"? -- I don't do Hill Sprints every Wednesday and I don't go all out either coz I'm not trying to win a medal, it's just for fitness purposes. So some weeks it's just a normal 5 days of exercising instead of 6 with 2 days off if I feel tired or I just take a week or two off then come back if I feel myself burning out.


Arnold Jackson
Sep 26, 2013
Seems a lot IMO, will you be able to keep this up ?

For me I do Push, Pull, Leg Split with a day rest in between and doing Reverse Pyramid on most of my lifts. I used to do the 6 days a week training, but would be sore AF, not really make progress on lifts as so sore.

Plus muscles such as shoulders and biceps are small, so don't need a day dedicated to them IMO.

Way I train now I am able to be fresh, strong which in turn allows me to either lift more weight or do more reps.

But main thing do what works for you and what is sustainable, no point killing yourself in gym if you aint gonna keep it up. Look up Pavel Tsatsouline, he is a trainer in the Marines advocates this a lot.

Work smarter, not harder