During the latest State of Play, Bandai Namco announced Tales of Arise Beyond the Dawn for November 9, 2023. This new scenario requires the original Tales of Arise to play.
General Producer Yusuke Tomizawa provided more details. Players will meet a new character named Nazamil, a girl of both Dahnan and Renan blood. She is the daughter of a Lord who was in the base game, which is currently kept secret. The story will be over 20 hours, and “the quality of the cutscenes has further improved.”
Further, there will be new dungeons, quests, and costumes. And while this takes place after the main game, “a certain level of skills and other statuses are provided at the start” for all players to be at the “appropriate level of design.”
“…we did not adopt a simple transfer of levels and statuses from the main game. Instead, we have prepared bonuses such as money and skill points based on the clear data of the main game.”
General Producer Yusuke Tomizawa provided more details. Players will meet a new character named Nazamil, a girl of both Dahnan and Renan blood. She is the daughter of a Lord who was in the base game, which is currently kept secret. The story will be over 20 hours, and “the quality of the cutscenes has further improved.”
Further, there will be new dungeons, quests, and costumes. And while this takes place after the main game, “a certain level of skills and other statuses are provided at the start” for all players to be at the “appropriate level of design.”
“…we did not adopt a simple transfer of levels and statuses from the main game. Instead, we have prepared bonuses such as money and skill points based on the clear data of the main game.”
Tales Of Arise Beyond The Dawn Announced For November 2023; Requires Base Game - Noisy Pixel
During the latest State of Play, Bandai Namco announced Tales of Arise Beyond the Dawn for November 9, 2023. This new scenario...