Ta-Nehisi Coates in Seattle about the Democratic Party in this moment:
“If you can’t stand up against genocide, why should I believe you can stand up for democracy?”
“If you can stand by and ship 2,000 pound bombs to be dropped on hospitals, to be dropped on schools, to watch on your TVs as people hooked up to IVs are burned alive; if you know people are being kidnapped and taken into prisons and raped and tortured; if you are talking about hostages in Gaza but you have no concerns about an entire justice system that is effectively hostage taking; if you’ve never had anything to say about that if you can watch that and you can’t stand up, like in your own bones not feel like ‘you know what, I gotta say something because l can't look at myself in the mirror’ — if you can’t stand up against genocide, why should I believe you can stand up for democracy?”

“If you can’t stand up against genocide, why should I believe you can stand up for democracy?”
“If you can stand by and ship 2,000 pound bombs to be dropped on hospitals, to be dropped on schools, to watch on your TVs as people hooked up to IVs are burned alive; if you know people are being kidnapped and taken into prisons and raped and tortured; if you are talking about hostages in Gaza but you have no concerns about an entire justice system that is effectively hostage taking; if you’ve never had anything to say about that if you can watch that and you can’t stand up, like in your own bones not feel like ‘you know what, I gotta say something because l can't look at myself in the mirror’ — if you can’t stand up against genocide, why should I believe you can stand up for democracy?”