Surviving members of the Little Rock Nine speak out against Arkansas restricting AP course

get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.
That's the wild thing. There are multiple people alive today who remember that shyt from childhood. Who couldn't eat at certain restaurants. We're witnessing state governments attempt to erase the history of people who still exist/live.
Yeah. Some of THE dumbest things I've ever read here are people parroting "both sides are the same" and "nothing has changed since 60 years ago".
If nothing has changed, why are these demons so intent on dialing back the clock?
And if both sides are the same, why is it always the same side trying to turn back the clock ?

Amo Husserl

May 24, 2022
Yeah. Some of THE dumbest things I've ever read here are people parroting "both sides are the same" and "nothing has changed since 60 years ago".
If nothing has changed, why are these demons so intent on dialing back the clock?
And if both sides are the same, why is it always the same side trying to turn back the clock ?
The motive has always remained the same. Each party has their own way of implementation. One side is more vocal than the other, that doesn't mean they aren't aligned at all. They have two different ways of achieving the same goal. If black people insulated themselves more in their own communities and worked closely with each other without either side, both sides would find a way to put a stop to it. We're fifty years past the CRM, why did our condition get worse? You're looking at politics instead of people and their history. Politics is a vehicle for formalizing power, they obviously don't want us to have any.

Amo Husserl

May 24, 2022
I disagree. I've always promoted internal and external ways of addressing issues. Can't realistically began to solve problems otherwise.

Modern day Republican party is openly hostile to Black people. In tone, rhetoric, decisions, and legislation proposed and voted for.
This particular thread is about Civil Rights Era frontline pioneers reacting to the decision of Republican governor and appointed Dept. of Ed to try to block an AP history course.

The latest in a string of public decisions, rulings, and votes by elected or appointed Republicans that work against Black communities.

"Both sides are same" is disingenuous and not based on reality. In the modern day political system, Democrat party and candidates are the more practical choice for Black voters, in the majority of instances.

We have to work and build up the institutions and resources within the community and simultaneously support issues and candidates that align with our interests. I don't think it's an EITHER/OR scenario. And I thinking leaving out any part hurts our chances of moving forward.

"They" and "them" not wanting us to have power didn't stop the African American frontline freedom fighters in past eras. Why would those of us who benefited from their sacrificess stop pushing forward on both fronts?
I agree. There have to be supplementary sources of education for Black children.

Not realistic that many parents have resources to home school or afford private schools, so we have to implement programs that fill in the gaps that are children are facing in the public school systems.

Again, the blueprint was laid out in the past by the Selma schools, the Black Panther Schools, and by Saturday Schools in the UK.

Have to address issues internally, as recent history shows us that we don't have the political power to fully control things externally
While focusing on what politicians are doing, we need to critically examine what they did too. Education is not our strong suit as a people because we let public institutions take over. That was the mistake coming out of the CRM. Being democrat to spite republicans and vice-versa is not political strategy. We can't act like either party has our best interest at heart more than we do. Leaving it up to them has been the problem. Current Black American organizational bodies are largely from eras that have led to the present situation. Are they doing for us now what they initially set out to do? The NAACP is now invalid for black people because black people are differentiating from being "colored". Black people need new blood and new voices instead of living by old rules no longer functional for today.

I'm not saying don't be politically involved, the internal damage needs to be assessed socially and economically before strong political decisions regardless of republican or democratic consideration. Black people are no longer the largest ethnic minority in this country, unless the past is learned from to adapt to the future we will continue to ask the same questions and make the same mistakes. Both parties at some point in time enacted racist policies that primarily impeded the social development of black people. Just because they change orientation and accept now black people does not mean black people become their franchise players and cheerleaders. Black people don't need white politics to fix their communities and politically orient themselves as a group. Participation in politics does not require political allegiance. Black people caught hell on both sides.