super spin cycle: how many yall would let a cop in your crib??


Aug 19, 2012

Only If She Was Black Or Hispanic And Off Duty


Aug 19, 2012
I Seen Your Name In That LaSt Post .. I Thought You Had That Ether For My Soul N Shyt :wow:

The 2020 New Member

Dec 12, 2012
i'd tell you a true crazy ass story but i don't feel like having to respond to a mcduck face.

the shyt was crazy tho. forreal.


Aug 19, 2012
i'd tell you a true crazy ass story but i don't feel like having to respond to a mcduck face.

the shyt was crazy tho. forreal.

Bruh ... The Duck Tales Call Outs Comes With The Turf .. Let It Out

The 2020 New Member

Dec 12, 2012


aight so one fine saturday moanin', i'm chillin in my jammies with my roomie/bandmate at the crib. we eatin cereal and shyt and watching batman (which is the closest i get to going to church). i mean my living room was like a superhero santuary with all kinds of posters and 2 cardboard stand-up joints of chewbacca and the heath ledger joker.

Life size, nikka.

i'm getting my grub and my praise on when i happen to catch a glimpse of the jakes outside. through my dusty as miniblinds, i saw 2 cop cars chillin in the alley next to my crib. they pull people over for speeding right there all the time so i thought nothing of it really.

i'm like "yo nikka...guess who's outside? the cops. AGAIN! somebody's day is fukked up :pachaha:".

back to batman.

i happen to peek out the window again and i see a scrawny nikka in blue peekin right back in at me! i'm like "yo...broz...we got company" or something cool to that effect. My homie goes out front to see wussup because he's white and white people can be like holy water to cops sometimes. i decide to walk towards the back of the crib and get some more cereal.

through another window, i see more cops and more cars. 5 total. we were surrounded. lookin like ice cube when his good day got fukked up.

my homie comes back inside like yo, they want to talk to all of us. so me and the my roomie and his dog go outside to talk to the cops like :dahell:

a fat cac pig with powdered sugar in his stache said something like "are you boys aware that you're harboring a fugitive?". i was like nah...we ain't.

he went on about how someone kicked in my neighbors back door and robbed them. the thief then jumped over my 7 foot wooden fence and ran in my back door (which was locked) and ran up into my attic (which there was no staircase to).

he did all that crazy shyt:
with a big screen tv in his hands :aicmon:

and i mean old ass 'big'.

i was like nah...he ain't. mind you, there's about 5-6 cops just walking around the 'perimeter'. they want to go in...i was like rights.

and this nikka gonna say "according to the 4th amendment blah search and seizure, i'm taking control of this house" and i stood there like Naaaaah and then he and another cac cop pulled out their guns and marched right in.

:beli: fukker said exactly what i said, and did the opposite.

took nikkas 20 minutes to clear a 2 bedroom. they damn near shot chewbacca. fakkits got scared of a piece of paper. they opened up all my drawers on some training day type bullshyt lookin to score i guess and they even stepped on my bed. dusty ass bootprints on the comforter. i had some ass scheduled, too :why:.

then they were like...oh nothing here and they just left with all my doors and shyt open, neighbors in the street looking at me like i'm a pusher.

i spent the rest of that day getting high on weed and blow and beers. bad mix i know, but i didn't know what else to do.

:snoop: this was only the start of my many troubles with the police while doing nothing. i still ain't never been caught for anything.

and i ain't proofreading.


OG Moma Coli....dat bytch Thowd!!!
Sep 7, 2012


aight so one fine saturday moanin', i'm chillin in my jammies with my roomie/bandmate at the crib. we eatin cereal and shyt and watching batman (which is the closest i get to going to church). i mean my living room was like a superhero santuary with all kinds of posters and 2 cardboard stand-up joints of chewbacca and the heath ledger joker.

Life size, nikka.

i'm getting my grub and my praise on when i happen to catch a glimpse of the jakes outside. through my dusty as miniblinds, i saw 2 cop cars chillin in the alley next to my crib. they pull people over for speeding right there all the time so i thought nothing of it really.

i'm like "yo nikka...guess who's outside? the cops. AGAIN! somebody's day is fukked up :pachaha:".

back to batman.

i happen to peek out the window again and i see a scrawny nikka in blue peekin right back in at me! i'm like "yo...broz...we got company" or something cool to that effect. My homie goes out front to see wussup because he's white and white people can be like holy water to cops sometimes. i decide to walk towards the back of the crib and get some more cereal.

through another window, i see more cops and more cars. 5 total. we were surrounded. lookin like ice cube when his good day got fukked up.

my homie comes back inside like yo, they want to talk to all of us. so me and the my roomie and his dog go outside to talk to the cops like :dahell:

a fat cac pig with powdered sugar in his stache said something like "are you boys aware that you're harboring a fugitive?". i was like nah...we ain't.

he went on about how someone kicked in my neighbors back door and robbed them. the thief then jumped over my 7 foot wooden fence and ran in my back door (which was locked) and ran up into my attic (which there was no staircase to).

he did all that crazy shyt:
with a big screen tv in his hands :aicmon:

and i mean old ass 'big'.

i was like nah...he ain't. mind you, there's about 5-6 cops just walking around the 'perimeter'. they want to go in...i was like rights.

and this nikka gonna say "according to the 4th amendment blah search and seizure, i'm taking control of this house" and i stood there like Naaaaah and then he and another cac cop pulled out their guns and marched right in.

:beli: fukker said exactly what i said, and did the opposite.

took nikkas 20 minutes to clear a 2 bedroom. they damn near shot chewbacca. fakkits got scared of a piece of paper. they opened up all my drawers on some training day type bullshyt lookin to score i guess and they even stepped on my bed. dusty ass bootprints on the comforter. i had some ass scheduled, too :why:.

then they were like...oh nothing here and they just left with all my doors and shyt open, neighbors in the street looking at me like i'm a pusher.

i spent the rest of that day getting high on weed and blow and beers. bad mix i know, but i didn't know what else to do.

:snoop: this was only the start of my many troubles with the police while doing nothing. i still ain't never been caught for anything.

and i ain't proofreading.
they almost shot chewie lol