This is my current workout, but I am getting a pull up bar and heavy ropes this week. Let me know what you would suggest I'm 5'10" 160 lbs
Day 1
45 lbs dumb bell chest press & Dumbflys (x4) super set
45 lbs dumb bell chest press & Dumbflys thumbs in (x4) superset
30 lbs dumb bell fly & wide push ups to failure (x4) superset
25 lbs chest press, flys & push up (failure)
Jog: 3 1/2 miles
Day 2
Boxing mit work (3 min round) x2
Bob and weave drill with rope (3 min round) x2
Jumprope (3 min round) x3
500 sit ups
Day 3
Hammer Curls x3
Skull Crushers x3
Standing bicep curls x3
French Press x3
Kick Backs x3
Wrist Flexon x3
Concentration Curls x3
Day 4
7 Mile jog
Day 5
Shoulder shrugs x3
shoulder press, shoulder lifts(not sure if that what they are called hold them like shrugs then lift to your sides) and standing flies (super set) x3
Standing shoulder press x3
Day 6
5 Mile Jog
need some help brehs. I don't always eat enough protein, but I am working hard to do better at that. I would like to do maybe a more effective workout since it seems like some days I am working too hard for too little results
Day 1
45 lbs dumb bell chest press & Dumbflys (x4) super set
45 lbs dumb bell chest press & Dumbflys thumbs in (x4) superset
30 lbs dumb bell fly & wide push ups to failure (x4) superset
25 lbs chest press, flys & push up (failure)
Jog: 3 1/2 miles
Day 2
Boxing mit work (3 min round) x2
Bob and weave drill with rope (3 min round) x2
Jumprope (3 min round) x3
500 sit ups
Day 3
Hammer Curls x3
Skull Crushers x3
Standing bicep curls x3
French Press x3
Kick Backs x3
Wrist Flexon x3
Concentration Curls x3
Day 4
7 Mile jog
Day 5
Shoulder shrugs x3
shoulder press, shoulder lifts(not sure if that what they are called hold them like shrugs then lift to your sides) and standing flies (super set) x3
Standing shoulder press x3
Day 6
5 Mile Jog
need some help brehs. I don't always eat enough protein, but I am working hard to do better at that. I would like to do maybe a more effective workout since it seems like some days I am working too hard for too little results