Doobie Doo
Killing yourself got a whole lot easier
Killing yourself got a whole lot easier
Dear readers and users,
In the original version of this article it was incorrectly claimed that the Sarco Capsule “passed legal review”. This information is false, as for example a fact check by APExternal link made clear. We are deeply sorry for this misleading title and information. The article was corrected following a December 8 investigation by watson.chExternal link: claims by Philip Nitschke that he was in talks with several groups in Switzerland to launch the Sarco capsule next year could not be verified. None of the main Swiss assisted suicide organisations – Dignitas, Exit Deutsche Schweiz, or Ex International – said they were considering the technology, according to The organisation Philip Nitschke referred to in the original version of the article was PegasosExternal link. On December 11 an infobox was added based on information from AP.
Larissa M. Bieler
Editor-in-chief, SWI
I use it to make money. You use it research suicide pods.Welp, @Godless Liberal CEO is faster than me. But that also shows how quick it is to verify information when you want to
We have an infinitely deep library of knowledge at our fingertips but refuse to use it
I use it to make money. You use it research suicide pods.
IMagine being such a loser that finding out suicide pods are fake gets you this charged up.You literally started this thread you retarded paste eating fukk. Your dumbass aint using anything to make money
I use it to make money. You use it research suicide pods.