Stupid question but Is MLB 12 worth copping?


May 8, 2012
They see me trolling, they hating.....
Obviously the answer would be yes because it's currently the best and most realistic Baseball game on the market, I know I'm fully aware.

But I'm not really a baseball enthusiast, or sports enthusiast in general for that matter. I enjoy the NBA, NFL, MLB etc but I'm not one of those guys who will stop everything he's doing to check out a game unless its a playoff game for a team I like or the Finals/Superbowl/Word series etc.

I copped MLB 10 last year because it was only like 10 bux and I wanted to check it out. I don't play online at all but me and my home usually play it 2 to 3 times a week after work. Since we were both disappointed in NBA 2K13 this year MLB the show has stepped up and became our main go to competitive game. (With madden stepping up and taking 2nd place)

Now I'm one of those guys who isn't really impressed with minor upgrades like a few new animations and updated rosters. Essentially the game is always the same yearly when it comes to sports titles. (Because the rules really don"t change much and you'll never see a huge dragon swoop down and tail whip Lebron James in a 2Ksports game....ever)

What I want to know is if there are enough differences between MLB 10 and MLB 12 to warrant a cop? (MLB 12 is only like 30 bux on Amazon but still...if there isn't much changed then why bother) I already know MLB 12 is probably great game so that's not really the issue for me.

Nothing looks worse in ur gaming collection than a bunch of sports titles with years next to them, if it isn't a huge upgrade over something I already own then Its not a necessary cop imo.