Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson
I dont have a afro i have a amerifro
whies have bekome sekond class sittizins inbarah obommas amurica. da tyrannosaurical combanashun uh librulism marksism soshalism fashism politikal curretness, femanism, homosetshuality, and so-call cibil rites and soshal justiss have broken da back and da will uh da whie can whites be discriminated against?
blas get all the benafits and handouts and still always cumplanin. i see rish blas gettin overpade millyuns fuh thowin a ball into a hoop wile whie anuricans r strugglin to put food on da tabel! no talint tattoo thugs like j z and da ress uh dese gansta rappers r spendin dere millyuns on crack and cadallacks and it is disgussin!
blas get all da afurmative atshun quarters welfair food stamps and free birf c*ntrol and fones. buh whut do whie amuricans get? dey get hated and call raciss wile dere tats dollers pay fuh blas to buy jordans and fourdies uh ol inglish 800.
da whie man has been hoodwink and baboozled and has his kulture, his langwige, his valyoos, and his god strip frum him. dey r targited fuh etstinshin by dis raciss susseyety. at sum point dey will start to fite back.