Story Of How I Was Told To Bend Over And Spread Them Cheeks


Sep 10, 2015
I remember this like it was yesterday :dead: Anyways, this was December of 2014 and it was pretty late at night. I'm on winter break from school and I'm watching anime eating some sugar frosted cookies. Out of nowhere I start feeling some shyt moving around my ass! :damn: :damn: :damn:

I can't sleep and start searching the internet :sadcam:"wriggly feeling near anus". Most searches are saying it's probably hemorrhoids, but nah this shyt just wouldn't stop!

After a bit more searching I think I got some intestinal parasites that are pretty common among children. I'm thinking "How the fukk do I have intestinal parasites when I don't eat meat, drink cow milk, eat eggs, fish none of that!" And I don't share utensils, cups nothing with anybody! :sadbron: So I find out that there's an on the counter medicine you can take once and then a second time two weeks later that they sell at Walgreens. I'm like :blessed:. So I get in my car and drive to a 24-hour walgreens. I'm frantically looking for the shyt and finally found it. I walk up to the cashier and it's a brother behind the counter.

He's all cool and shyt until he sees what I put on the counter. He went from :myman: to :dahell:. This dude made sure he didn't make any skin contact with me. Inside I'm like :mjcry:but I'm just glad I got the meds and get outta there. I take the shyt as soon as I got home, but that shyt ain't work!

I still feel shyt moving around my ass throughout the day for the next couple of days! :why: So eventually I set up a doctor's appointment. First doctor I went to prescribed me meds that wasn't even for the intestinal parasite that I had! That shyt ain't work at all! :damn::damn::damn:

So eventually I schedule an appointment with a different doctor. Day of the appointment I get there and it's a hot Asian lady. I'm sitting there telling her about how I feel worms moving in my ass :snoop:. And this lady looking at me like she wants to fukk me, I'm all embarrassed and shyt and she's like "There's nothing to be embarrassed about" :deadmanny:.

So here comes the good part (well not really). She tells me that she wants to check my anus to see if she can see the intestinal parasites crawling around there. I'm telling her:whoa: no it's fine, and that you won't be able to see nothing. But she's being persistent, so I pull down my pants ass and dikk all hanging out. Thank goodness I was wearing a pretty long shirt, and my shyt was soft looking small af :martin:. Don't know if she saw it. So she puts on some gloves and starts putting her fingers through my ass cheek tryna look in there. After a while she's like "yeah you're right, I don't see anything".

She says some things I can't remember and leaves the room. I pull my pants up in embarrassment and sit there. I start to get paranoid like "Is she some pervert doctor or something?!". I see that there was a desktop computer right near where I was standing, so I'm checking if the webcam light was on and to see if it was recording me or some shyt :lupe:. I don't think it was so I sit back down waiting.

After everything is done I step out of the office and wait in line to pay my copay. She's standing about 10 feet away from me making small talk with some chick. She didn't look my way though at all.


Jan 24, 2016
She says some things I can't remember and leaves the room. I pull my pants up in embarrassment and sit there. I start to get paranoid like "Is she some pervert doctor or something?!". I see that there was a desktop computer right near where I was standing, so I'm checking if the webcam light was on and to see if it was recording me or some shyt :lupe:. I don't think it was so I sit back down waiting.


Sep 10, 2015
IDK, she didn't tell you what was your problem? Did you have parasites or not, if so how did you get rid of them

Matter fact forget it I don't need to know about that. :dame:
Most doctors are useless bruh. First doctor I went to I gave them samples of my stool and the test gon come back negative :shaq2: Thing is with those tests they don't inspect the entire stool sample you give them, they just check a small portion and keep it moving.

With the symptoms I had I definitely knew I had some intestinal parasite. Second doctor I just told her about the symptoms and she prescribed me meds.