Stone GOAT speaks (possible return, tough enough, what chants, current product)


pico pal q lee
Apr 30, 2012
I know @Hoss is the one that brings the interview piff to TSC but I read this yesterday and it hasn't been posted yet :ld:
WWE Hall of Famer Stone Cold Steve Austin joined Busted Open with Dave Lagreca and Doug Mortman. You can hear Busted Open on Sirius 92, XM 208 and on the app on Sports Zone. They sent us these highlights from the interview:

If he misses Tough Enough:
"Hell, I do miss it. I don't know why or how WWE and USA network combined dropped the football on that show because it was turning in the numbers it needed to. Everybody loved it. It was great television. I had a chance to get back into the wrestling business. Get my hands back in and mold people to be future WWE superstars or take them through the paces. And they took that all away. That was my first experience into reality television and that's what made me fall in love with that specific line of work. Once again, why they dropped the ball, I have no idea. But it was a piss poor decision if you ask me."

If he likes the direction the WWE is taking right now, appearing to be a little more edgier than they have been in the past couple of years:
"Well now they're just starting to turn the corner with some of these new cats they brought in. So they're picking it up a little bit. I mean there are a lot of guys still walking on eggshells in that territory or in that locker room. I'm actually considering doing another podcast and that's gonna be breaking down Monday Night Raw and Friday Night Smackdown and a little bit of TNA. Just to add to my two show rotation a week. So I'm going to be examining that product a lot more in depth. I kind of gotten away from watching it, to a large degree in recent past. Especially since they jacked it up to a three hour Monday Night Raw. That's tough to fulfill three hours worth of content and keep it interesting and not stale. So I'm gonna delve into that, take a look at it, and report about it accordingly. I think they are finally heading back in the right direction though to bottom line it."

How much does Triple H have to do with this direction the company seems to be heading in:
"Well I think as long as Vince is around and hopefully he is around for a long time, it's gonna be his baby cause he's the one that bought the territory from his dad and made it into what it is, a global phenomenon. Put everyone else out of business with the vision that he had, has taken it through all the different changes that he has. But I know that when I speak about Triple H, I know that he comes from the same school I come from. And he was kind of the last guys to come up in the territory systems. But he digs the work, he digs the serious nature. He's still knows he's got to entertain a wide variety of age, you know the demo. And there is something for everybody in the show now. And it was kind of a little bit more adult orientated maybe when I was in there but I think Triple H is gonna bring a serious nature to the business from his presentation or how he views the business still. I think it's going to be a combination of everybody involved. Because obviously right now, it's still Vince's baby and it always will be."

If he thought that the What? chants would still be around at this point: "You know, no because that's the funny thing I've been gone for 10 or 11 years or whatever it's been. So that's a whole generation removed. I mean there are some youngsters that have never seen or heard of Stone Cold. So for that to be still around, for them to still be doing it. It's a testament to the staying power of one word and I had no idea what I was creating back in the day when I did."

The What? chants being hurtful now and having no place to be used:
"Yeah but you know what, here's the thing. To anybody delivering a promo in the ring, if you don't give those pauses in your delivery of your promo speech, whatever business you're doing. If you don't give them that spot to put the what in, they cannot. So all they have to do is speed up their cadence a little bit. You ain't gotta rush through your promo but you can still make your points. Also stagger the pauses so they can't get into a rhythm. So there is a way around the what. It's just a lot of people aren't smart enough to figure it out."

If we could possibly see Stone Cold at Wrestlemania 30, if he is healthy enough to get back in the ring again:
"Oh I'm healthy enough. My knees coming around just fine, it's better than it's ever been because I've been doing my do diligence on my rehab. I've got two new ligaments. Everything else is pain free. I'm still in shape been working out harder than I've ever worked out. But here's the deal. When you're gonna try to commit to do a Wrestlemania 30, you're looking really at, at least a two to three month commitment, if not four. So you know you're talking about, taking everything else of the table. I can still do my podcast but take everything else off the table and focus specifically on that task. To do it the way I would do it, to do it the way Stone Cold Steve Austin would do it, at a 120 percent. Because to go out there and to try to perform at 85-90 percent because you didn't prep enough. That would be bogus, that would be BS that would be letting the crowd down. And that would be representing the Stone Cold Steve Austin that I know and love to a degree that is not acceptable. So once you throw a legitimate, real deal offer down on the table and say let's talk, then we'll talk. But until then, conjecture."

If he is up to the challenge: "Well if I'm gonna agree to the challenge, accept it and go into it because I want to and the business makes sense, then absolutely."

If Punk vs Austin would be an all- time great match: "Oh it definitely could. It brings a lot to the table from a verbal standpoint with his well thought out promos, the way in which he conducts his business. I like his product in the ring. I like to see him turn it up more in the mainstream. I like to see a little more physicality, laying in stuff a little more. I like to see him be a little bit more aggressive. That's just off the top of my head. Other than that, I like everything about the cat."

How big it would be if he wrestled at WM 30: "Well I'm not going to put the cart in front of the horse. I'm not lobbying for a match. If the starts lined up, then it would happen, but it's going to take a lot for those stars to line up. No sense in beating a dead horse. To think about it is one thing, to actually go out, come to terms and go through the business prep and actually accomplish a match, it's a whole different ballgame and a major process."

This is gonna be his 2nd consecutive year throwing jabs at cokeboy about "the right deal" for his return. Just give him that monster paycheck and let us rejoice :blessed:
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Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
Its kind of odd they wouldn't reach out to him for a match. I just can't believe they wouldn't reach out to a man the chairman labeled the greatest. I cant believe they fukked up Tough Enough..Austin had quotes every 15


May 15, 2012
WWE probably dropped tough enough because they don't want to offer people a contract coming from here. Plus, the last project from here failed. It would be bad face for them to have a second season of a show that failed to produce a success story in the past. But there is a very easy fix here.

Drop the concept of tough enough being signing new talent. Instead, make it a contest where the lowcarders and rookies from NXT go to Austin's bootcamp in order to win a money in the bank style contract for the heavyweight title. Send guys like JTG there to put on a match in front of Austin and later verbally defend their performance face to face with Austin. This would be an occasion to give lowcarders/rookies/jobbers more screen time, let them develop their characters, learn by being in the presence of a living legend, and hilarious for us as audience. Win win situation for everyone.

Capo Dei Capi

Fukk a studio thug, I'm a skinny jeans bigot
May 2, 2012
WWE probably dropped tough enough because they don't want to offer people a contract coming from here. Plus, the last project from here failed. It would be bad face for them to have a second season of a show that failed to produce a success story in the past. But there is a very easy fix here.

Drop the concept of tough enough being signing new talent. Instead, make it a contest where the lowcarders and rookies from NXT go to Austin's bootcamp in order to win a money in the bank style contract for the heavyweight title. Send guys like JTG there to put on a match in front of Austin and later verbally defend their performance face to face with Austin. This would be an occasion to give lowcarders/rookies/jobbers more screen time, let them develop their characters, learn by being in the presence of a living legend, and hilarious for us as audience. Win win situation for everyone.

Sounds dope
May 31, 2012
Vince has already relented on letting people do part time is time to pony up the money. who cares if he is asking for seven figures, Austin deserves that money. IF rock is pulling in million plus buys for Mania, just think what austins final match would do.


American Weirdo
May 23, 2012
Vince has already relented on letting people do part time is time to pony up the money. who cares if he is asking for seven figures, Austin deserves that money. IF rock is pulling in million plus buys for Mania, just think what austins final match would do.

I'm not sure the numbers would be all that much better to be honest. Right around the same I'd imagine. They're both about just as beloved in hardcore wrestling circles, but The Rock has a LOT more crossover appeal. A lot of people who don't even watch wrestling told me they were gonna check out 28 out of casual interest for The Rock to be there.

We'll see.

Ill Lou Malnati

Be Well.
Apr 30, 2012
I figured they were holding off until WM30 anyway since Rock has dominated the last few WMs. Still, can't imagine WM30 rolling around and neither being there.


Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
They bring up the Rock every single you KNOW the McMahons want Rock to be part of the big picture at Mania XXX. Apparently as Rock revealed it was supposed to have been him and Lesnar running the show. Just seems odd how Austin has let it known that he's willingly to come back and that they haven't done all they can do to make it happen. Very's obvious that fans would want to see an Austin/Punk build. They might have to run to that anyway if Rock isn't wrestling...but I'm sure they want Rock headlining the HOF or some shyt.


Jun 4, 2012
They better hurry up and do the Austin/Punk match while Punk is at the top of his game wrestling and popularity wise.

/Will be at WM30 and just wanna see Stone Cold's final run/