Steubenville , Ohio guy remembers RZA, Ghost, ODB...

Remy Danton

All Star
Dec 18, 2013
Remembering the Wu-Tang era - Page 4 - Message Board Basketball Forum - InsideHoops

Never saw it before, so I thought I'd post it.
Some of it may well be hearsay, but it is an interesting read nonetheless.


Remembering the Wu-Tang era
I remember the 'Wu-Tang era' for completely different reasons than most, though. Before 36 Chambers came out and anyone knew who the hell Wu-Tang was, they were creating absolute havoc in my hometown.

I was born, raised, and went through high school in a small Ohio town named Steubenville. When I say small, I'm talking about under 20,000 people. It is about 25 minutes from downtown Pittsburgh, under two hours from Cleveland, and under three hours from Columbus. So, while it is a relatively little city, it is sort of in the middle of a lot of 'big' cities (relatively speaking).

In the late-80s and early-90s, our city (like just about every other urban area in the country) was introduced to crack and serious gang crime. The leaders of Steubenville's drug cartel were a group of guys that referred to themselves as the Godz. Violence was out-of-control for a city our size. There were literally shootings every night.

Packs of guys from New York were also showing up every night and waring with the local 'home grown' gangsters (this was a tough town before they showed up).

I had friends that my older brother went all through school with getting shot and killed on a regular basis. One fight, in particular, that was widely talked about at the time was when Ghostface, ODB, and a lesser known affiliate of the Godz jumped a guy that was on lunch break during school hours because he was a black guy with a white girlfriend.

Little did they know, the guy they were jumping was an All-State football player and took third in Ohio as a heavyweight wrestler. He proceeded to beat the hell out of all three of them. The event was witnessed by about half of my high school and is still talked about regularly today.

When 36 Chambers was released, Steubenville pretty much went into a state of shock. These guys that had been reeking havoc on our city were suddenly the biggest things in the f#cking music industry... Who knew?

RZA grew up in Steubenville, so it is no coincidence that they picked this city to attempt to take over, but it still is pretty amazing looking back. The last real incident with the Godz (ie Wu-Tang) was when one of their producers -- Wise God Allah -- was shot dead in downtown Steubenville in the mid-90s, riddled with bullets. He was shot many times by multiple people, one of which I knew well (his name is Keith West and he just got out of jail a couple of years ago).

There were retaliations and another guy that I knew well was shot dead outside of his house (Spanky Ware). A few months later, several members of the Wu-Tang Clan were pulled over in Steubenville (RZA, Ghost, and several others) with a car full of guns. They got a slap on the wrist and that is really the last that we heard of them, crime-wise.

There were several local Steubenville kids that hopped on board with Wu, though. The most notable were Killarmy, which was a Wu offshoot made up almost entirely of Steubenville rappers.

Killarmy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What a crazy time to be around for... Just type in Wu-Tang Clan and Steubenville in google and you will get hundreds of results. I was always a fan of Wu and, in the 90s when they were playing Pittsburgh, one of the Wu's promoter whom my brother had known since high school dropped off 20 tickets for me and my buddies... He had Method Man in the car with him.

Pretty cool.

If you listen back to old Wu albums, though, pay attention to all the shoutouts for Ohio and references to Tappan Lake, a pretty big camping spot just outside the city limits where Wu-Tang would go to pen many of their lyrics.

While other 'gangsta rappers' may have been faking it and mere observers to the drug game, take it from me... the Godz were the real thing.
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General Mills

More often than not I tend to take that L.
May 1, 2012
Piffsburgh, PA
Steubenville is a wild lil grimy place. It is right outside of Pittsburgh. My hood cousin had a gf who was from there. So we would go there and hang out. This was like 99, 00. The older dudes always talked about when Wu was heavy in town.

They had these projects there man. .:wow: . shyt was wild B. I cant even imagine how wide open it was during the crack era. :wow:

mr. smoke weed

Smoke Album Done......Wait n See #SmokeSquad
Resting in Peace
May 1, 2012
Yeah I read this once before

Dope lil article

Wu was wild as fucc

To be honest, it's amazing ODB (RIP) is the only one of the original members to be deceased

Cuz I'm sure them nuccas wasted 8 of they 9 lives before and immediately following the fame/money

Dust Heads lol
Shocking to me that Ghostface and Rza are still living. If you read about the bullshyt they just got CAUGHT with (riding around with shotguns/pistols/bulletproof vests) before OB4CL or Ironman even came out.
May 30, 2014
Midwest/East Coast/Tx (Now in Canada)
"He proceeded to beat the hell out of all 3 of them"

Sounds like a cac upset because his athlete c00n homie got smashed...and switched the story. How could a wrestler defend against multiple opponents with grappling? Sorry, man grabbed, two men engaging're receiving punches from all sides until you can't grab.

Remy Danton

All Star
Dec 18, 2013
Steubenville’s Wu Tang Connection
Forty miles to the west of Pittsburgh stands the old-fashioned blue-collar town of Steubenville, Ohio. It was here, amid the steel mills and coal mines, that Dean Martin, Jimmy "the Greek" Snyder, and later Robert Diggs—better known as Wu musical mastermind RZA—were born. The Clan owns a compound on the outskirts of town, where the self-styled ninja warriors of rap go to relax and practice target shooting before returning to Shaolin (Wu-speak for Staten Island—itself a borough best described as Copland meets The Sopranos). Steubenville is a rough-and-tumble place. For a town of only 22,000 people, it has more than its fair share of shootings and homicides. It also has a serious gang problem.

"It might surprise folks in the big city, but we have all kinds of street gangs in Steubenville," admits Jefferson County assistant prosecutor Chris Becker. "We get reports from the FBI all the time about gang-related activity in the area. We've got Bloods, Crips, Godz, you name it. They basically recruit from small-town America."

On a crisp autumn evening in November 1997, RZA's close friend Wisegod Allah was walking down a street in Steubenville, on his way to a recording session with Killarmy, the rap group he managed, when he passed a large party of Crips hanging out on the corner. Wisegod made the mistake of flashing a high-powered .357 Magnum handgun at the gang-bangers. The D.A. says that one of the Crips, Willie Hubbard, believed Wisegod had robbed his Mother Hubbard's home. The response was scattershot but lethal: Nine shooters fired over 60 bullets at Wisegod, only one of which hit the intended target, fatally wounding him in the head.

Steubenville detectives investigating the case traced one of the shootout's weapons to a batch bought from a local gun store by a colleague of the Wu-Tang Clan; the detectives also discovered an affiliation between the Wu-Tang and local Bloods. Wisegod's death touched off a string of retaliatory shootings. The homes of Walter "Pookie" Thompson and Donald "Ruckus" Harris, later convicted of the murder along with fellow Crips, were sprayed with gunfire.

A month later, on December 30, 1997, 23-year-old Robert Johnson—a close friend of Cappadonna—was shot several times by two masked men on a residential block in the St. George district of Staten Island. Staten Island police doubt that Johnson's slaying was gang-related. But a gun left at the scene was traced back to the same batch of weapons purchased in Steubenville.

The gun deaths of a pair of Wu associates in such a short period of time was reportedly enough for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms to launch an investigation into the group's murky extramusical activities. While no charges have been brought, the feds reportedly believe that the Clan gets associates to buy guns in Steubenville, which they then take to Staten Island to defend themselves. (The ATF refuses to confirm that the group is the subject of an investigation.)

"We're targets, man," Method Man told Vibe last year. "I mean, our lives are in danger. If I got a gun, it's for protection. You have motherfukkers who love your music, and would still rob your ass."

"Any alleged criminal activity that they may have engaged in is all in the past," says Wu-Tang lawyer Peter Frankel. "The guys are too much into their careers. There is not a scintilla of evidence to suggest the Wu-Tang Clan is engaged in a current criminal conspiracy. As far as I know, the ATF probe concentrated not on members of the group, but people peripheral to the organization."

Others in the camp, though, speculate that the ATF is focusing on Diggs. Diggs has been known to Steubenville law enforcement since 1991, when the then 22-year-old shot Willie Walters in the leg following a dispute in which Walters kicked Diggs's car. Charged with felonious assault, Diggs claimed he fired in self-defense and he was ultimately acquitted. "I guess I wasn't that good a prosecutor back then," says Chris Becker, who brought the case to court.


Sep 10, 2012
"He proceeded to beat the hell out of all 3 of them"

Sounds like a cac upset because his athlete c00n homie got smashed...and switched the story. How could a wrestler defend against multiple opponents with grappling? Sorry, man grabbed, two men engaging're receiving punches from all sides until you can't grab.

How do you know he was grappling? Why would he lie about that one part?