Stealth Marketing: The Sony side of the story

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
Lets all be adults here and agree that stealth marketing is not something we as consumers like.
But there are levels to this shyt. And the recent outrage over youtube videos is pathetic to complain about.
Its pathetic because its not some new thing that was discovered in the year 2014
its a fake outrage. All pushed by sony fanboys and there agenda of hating since they too busy waiting :sadcam:

Why would I say that? Well, when sony does it on a much higher level? It gets ignored by the same people acting like this is a big deal. If you didn't know, my name is PS4 and I like to post info along the lines of this subject. Been doing it for years. Did you fanboys forget why you hate a nikka :ufury:

So how does sony stealth market? Well, have you heard of Killzone?
Has anyone seen the metacritic on that? Why is there so many website with either sony's name in it, or totally unknown of that have this game rated so high? Its weird, cuz the gaming universe recognizes Killzone as a below average shooter. But somehow Metacritic has it as like a top 5 game OF ALL TIME :wow:

Now stealth marketing there I suppose :beli:

lets take it a step further. Jack Tretton. How often does he lie to make it appear that sony is not "losing" when it is?

How come sony started reporting PS2's sold as PS3 systems sold. And nobody within the industry caught on for over year? Would that be considered stealth marketing?
shyt, I seen somebody post today that PS3 has a userbase of 82million so MGS will sell better on PS3 than PS4
When yall gonna stop saying it sold over 80mil tho :patrice:
When will somebody announce how many PS2's have been counted with PS3's since they started doing that 3yrs ago? (sony won't even tell)
You think if the numbers were nothing they would be keeping it a secret :laff:

Wait a minute, sony doesn't operate that way PS4. Your lying, WLIM :blessed:

Just like how sony lied about Uncharted 3 selling 3million copies in a day, when in reality it didn't sell 1million copies the first 3months (and this is during black friday and christmas.. it dropped on halloween)
How about the reviews for that game, and every website having it as the best game ever.

Then one website had the balls to tell the truth, and it got shytted on crucially by the fanboys
The real reviews came in, everyone said it sucked compared to the previous (which isn't even true)
And because of this word of mouth (negative in this case) the game flopped

But for marketing purposes... It sold 3.8mil on day one

Regardless of all the lies/jokes/etc that goes on here? There is no lie/joke/spin on what I just shared with you guys.
Sony is the worst company I have ever seen when it comes to "Stealth Marketing"
No company abuses such practices as much as sony. And there fanbase just goes the battered wife route.
Now you idiots over here trying to discredit TITANFALL cuz you nikkaz have NOTHING@ALL :banderas:

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
It is pathetic that a mod can be a shill, but then. Thats what's NEOGAF is for :stopitslime:

You was in the other thread. So when has youtube marketing made an impact on anyones gaming decisions
I'll wait for the poster to raise there hands on that :popcorn:

Meanwhile, everything I posted about sony is FACT. Yet here you are straight up IGNORING IT like if what I posted is a lie.
I stand by every single word I posted. And I challenge every and anybody who sees this to call me out ON ANY OF IT.

Just one part, say its a lie. I'll prove its real.

With that said, lets watch how many come in to cry to take shots at the messenger :win:


May 6, 2012
fukk it. I came in to work today, stayed one hour and left. Got home and manager calling me on some ":mad: Why you leave??"

:camby: It's a fukking blizzard outside you bytch.

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
not a single relevant link :banderas:
All you have to do is direct me to which part you think I made up, and I will showcase the truth.
See how I'm not running from this thread, not dodging anything
So now the ball is in your court bruh :popcorn:
fukk it. I came in to work today, stayed one hour and left. Got home and manager calling me on some ":mad: Why you leave??"

:camby: It's a fukking blizzard outside you bytch.
Bruh, you went to work. So you don't have an excuse to LEAVE.
You could make up a reason, but just saying "because it was snowing outside" is not one of them
You don't have that job anymore do you :mjlol:


May 6, 2012
All you have to do is direct me to which part you think I made up, and I will showcase the truth.
See how I'm not running from this thread, not dodging anything
So now the ball is in your court bruh :popcorn:

Bruh, you went to work. So you don't have an excuse to LEAVE.
You could make up a reason, but just saying "because it was snowing outside" is not one of them
You don't have that job anymore do you :mjlol:
I still got it. bytch ass manager tryna talk about it's not fair I left other people alone. Numbskull those cats don't even work in my department and I don't need to do anything for them.
  • Dap
Reactions: PS4


Stark till I die
Apr 30, 2012


Pure Domination over our Competitors
Jun 19, 2013
What my competitor is doing is illegal and I will inform the relevant parties to rectify this and reprimand Microsoft immediately. Integrity and honesty is something that is lacking today and I will not allow it to flourish in a industry that is involved with companies such as mines.

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
What my competitor is doing is illegal and I will inform the relevant parties to rectify this and reprimand Microsoft immediately. Integrity and honesty is something that is lacking today and I will not allow it to flourish in a industry that is involved with companies such as mines.
So when are you gonna fire Jack Tretton


May 2, 2012
Lets all be adults here and agree that stealth marketing is not something we as consumers like.
But there are levels to this shyt. And the recent outrage over youtube videos is pathetic to complain about.
Its pathetic because its not some new thing that was discovered in the year 2014
its a fake outrage. All pushed by sony fanboys and there agenda of hating since they too busy waiting :sadcam:

Why would I say that? Well, when sony does it on a much higher level? It gets ignored by the same people acting like this is a big deal. If you didn't know, my name is PS4 and I like to post info along the lines of this subject. Been doing it for years. Did you fanboys forget why you hate a nikka :ufury:

So how does sony stealth market? Well, have you heard of Killzone?
Has anyone seen the metacritic on that? Why is there so many website with either sony's name in it, or totally unknown of that have this game rated so high? Its weird, cuz the gaming universe recognizes Killzone as a below average shooter. But somehow Metacritic has it as like a top 5 game OF ALL TIME :wow:

Now stealth marketing there I suppose :beli:

lets take it a step further. Jack Tretton. How often does he lie to make it appear that sony is not "losing" when it is?

How come sony started reporting PS2's sold as PS3 systems sold. And nobody within the industry caught on for over year? Would that be considered stealth marketing?
shyt, I seen somebody post today that PS3 has a userbase of 82million so MGS will sell better on PS3 than PS4
When yall gonna stop saying it sold over 80mil tho :patrice:
When will somebody announce how many PS2's have been counted with PS3's since they started doing that 3yrs ago? (sony won't even tell)
You think if the numbers were nothing they would be keeping it a secret :laff:

Wait a minute, sony doesn't operate that way PS4. Your lying, WLIM :blessed:

Just like how sony lied about Uncharted 3 selling 3million copies in a day, when in reality it didn't sell 1million copies the first 3months (and this is during black friday and christmas.. it dropped on halloween)
How about the reviews for that game, and every website having it as the best game ever.

Then one website had the balls to tell the truth, and it got shytted on crucially by the fanboys
The real reviews came in, everyone said it sucked compared to the previous (which isn't even true)
And because of this word of mouth (negative in this case) the game flopped

But for marketing purposes... It sold 3.8mil on day one

Regardless of all the lies/jokes/etc that goes on here? There is no lie/joke/spin on what I just shared with you guys.
Sony is the worst company I have ever seen when it comes to "Stealth Marketing"
No company abuses such practices as much as sony. And there fanbase just goes the battered wife route.
Now you idiots over here trying to discredit TITANFALL cuz you nikkaz have NOTHING@ALL :banderas:
