Starting an NBA League. A Few Questions for Vets...


Staff member
May 1, 2012
Aight, I'm going to have a 12 man league with some people locally.

I'm going with H2H points, and a Snake draft. Just trying to get an idea on how some of the drafts you guys are in or have been in were ran, so I can make this one as fair and fun as possible.

First thing I want to know, yes or no to limiting the number of transactions in a week? I was in a league last year and dudes were ODin' on the waiver system. It was a bit annoying IMO, and I'm thinking about setting a limit for this league. Has anybody played in a league where there has been a limit? If so, what's a good number to set it at? I'm mulling over between 3 to 5 moves per week.

What's a good way to set up the scoring as well? Or what's the standard?

Just give me some feedback, trying to set this up rather soon.

I posted it in the Fantasy Section but I kind of need more peeps to see this cause I'm trying to set it up rather soon...


May 1, 2012
Aight, I'm going to have a 12 man league with some people locally.

I'm going with H2H points, and a Snake draft. Just trying to get an idea on how some of the drafts you guys are in or have been in were ran, so I can make this one as fair and fun as possible.

First thing I want to know, yes or no to limiting the number of transactions in a week? I was in a league last year and dudes were ODin' on the waiver system. It was a bit annoying IMO, and I'm thinking about setting a limit for this league. Has anybody played in a league where there has been a limit? If so, what's a good number to set it at? I'm mulling over between 3 to 5 moves per week.

What's a good way to set up the scoring as well? Or what's the standard?

Just give me some feedback, trying to set this up rather soon.

I posted it in the Fantasy Section but I kind of need more peeps to see this cause I'm trying to set it up rather soon...

You definitely want to limit waiver moves per week. One guy we play with is notorious for keeping 3-4 spots on his team that are just OK guys and he wouldn't mind dropping. He would drop them every game and pick up players off waivers. Then the next day drop those spots again and pick up some more players. 3-5 moves per week is usually a good number. For categories I like the basics.

Pts, Assists, Rebs, Blocks, Steals, 3PT, FTs. Some use assists to turnover, turnovers, FGs, and others even use percentages. Those are for more advanced leagues IMO though. If he's a bunch of newer people keep it at the 7 I mentioned.

Oh and Snake H2H is the way to go as well unless it's with more fantasy veterans then you may want to consider auction.


Staff member
May 1, 2012
Props breh, this is only my 3rd year doing it.

And the other leagues I've been in didn't have a limit on the acquisitions, and last year there were like 3 to 4 guys doing exactly what you described (myself included, just to keep up with the fukkery).

I'm thinking I'll use FGAs, FTAs, TOs as the categories which people can lose points on. I have no clue on how to scale it properly though. TOs will be 1.0, not sure what I'll set missed shots and FTs at.